This is when it hit me I'm an alcoholic

I don’t know if you would consider this motivation it’s a picture of me drunk that my homegirl took of me to send to my husband cause he was working out of town and missed me when I saw this picture this morning I cried because this is what he’s married to he deserves much better not to have a sloppy drunky for a wife I need to become a better me for myself for my kids and for himUploading…

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I think you are being a bit too hard on yourself there. Maybe you know how you felt when the photo was taken, but you hardly look like a wreck here. You look like a lady waiting on AAA to show up with a jump or a tow.

But you want to be better. Good. Now be better. Every day, get better at getting better. Eat better. Sleep better. Get some exercise. Laugh more. Feed your brain good things. Feed your body good things. Pray and meditate. Self-reflect, not self-criticize. Identify areas for improvement, and then work to improve them. I wish it were as easy as deciding to quit, saying a magic word, and then “bam!” our world is now all rainbows and unicorn farts, big baskets of kittens everywhere, but it’s a process. You can’t change yesterday. You can only change today, and tomorrow. Get after it!


Your husband loves you for you. Drinking is just something that’s got a hold of you. NOT who you are. That day in the picture has come and gone. You have one day to be sober and that’s today. Tomorrow you’ll worry about being sober and you can apply the same message as today…today you’re making sober steps to be the best you.


Don’t be so hard on yourself. I have pictures of me with my head in toilets and garbage cans. I have a photo album worth of pictures of me in various states of undress. Now I can just look at em and laugh.


I just see a beautiful woman who is tired and waiting for something. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You need to forgive yourself, learn from your past, and change it for the better. Look forward. You might benefit from the group Women For Sobriety

The program works on insecurities and self-esteem issues women deal with that surround their drinking. Check it out. I am just starting to look into it. We could do it together.


It is a good motivation to see what our addiction has done to us. But we can not stop there we need to look forward to take hope and to take action. You have the face of a good person . Be what you are