Thoughts on relapsing - like David's posts. It boosts his ego

That’s good, that’s the best way to be. I’m happy to have you here and hear your story. I’m not a person that gives tough love lol if anything i empathize too much. I hope your lane keeps you on the road to recovery-me as well!


I guess I was lucky when I found this app when I did…had I found it in the previous decades, had the technology existed, I would have been just one of those annoying relapsers that tough love just wouldnt help. If there were only an app people that had trouble keeping sober could download to get help.


I certainly felt like a piece of shit when I was relapsing. I didn’t even make an effort to get sober most of the time.

If you’re a constant relapser, you’re gonna have to change what you are doing because what you’re doing is not working.

The “I’m determined, this time will be the last time” is all good and well but useless without some kind of action.


Therapist gave me this today:

Hoping to kick my relapsing ass in to shape


Great picture, i know :stuck_out_tongue:

Use the hell out of it.

Like it or not alcohol and drugs gave us something for better or for worse. When we get sober there’s a void. Gotta learn how to enjoy other things instead of the quick fix and instant gratification of using.


And that has been my problem in the past: What do i fill the void with?

I have transferred to a different substance addiction.

I have transferred to an exercise/gymrat addiction, which by itself isn’t unhealthy but i did nothing to correct my addictive mindset. I ended up actually inflating my ego a bit and had a whole new set of problems.

I have quit before and I can quit again, but I must try everything to correct my mindset so i can “stay quit”. I havent ever really worked a program or written anything on paper for a quit, and I am hoping that the process of working this workbook, coupled with some of the other physical things that have helped with bodily recovery, may help me stay sober.

And ultimately I will rely on God above all. I certainly cannot pull myself out and it is He alone that strengthens me to defy myself.

I guess God is really the only thing that can fill the void if i ever hope to truly be alive again.

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I filled the void with life. I started doing all the things I should have been doing, when I was drinking. Being a husband and a father. Taking care of my body. Feeding my mind with knowledge. Renewing my spirit in communion with my savior. Amazing how much living you can do, when you decide to stop slowly killing yourself with alcohol.


Yes! Now I’m like, how did I find the time to do so much drinking?


One thing about sobriety i love is consistancy. I wake up and have the same energy through out the day. All drugs give thier artificial limited affects. You are inconsistant without them and powerless. You may feel it helps you perform but its timed and short lived. If u dont surrender that thought your always gonna relapse. Fearing addiction and relapse makes u take recovery more serious.


Thats the damn truth.

The fear of addiction makes you take it more seriously.


As far as offering advice and support, I look at it this way: I remember teaching my daughter how to ride a bike.

My daughter is a lot like me. If she doesn’t want to do something, you can reason, and you can threaten, but if she doesn’t want to do it, she’s not gonna do it. So when she told me she wanted to learn to ride a bike at age 9, after years of me encouraging her to try, I was happy to help. But then the lessons started. I told her to peddle, steer, and sit-up, and not lean over. I’m running behind her, about ready to have a coronary, hand on the sissy bar, and she’s hanging sideways off the thing, steering from left and right like on a slolom course. To say I was frustrated that she wasn’t applying that which I was telling her, is an understatement.

Now, I could have thrown my hands up, and walked away in my frustration. I didn’t. I kept running, huffing and puffing, hand on the sissy-bar, encouraging when she was doing it right, gently yet firmly correcting when she wasn’t. Took several evenings after a hard day at work, with generally the same results. And yet, each time, she got just a tiny bit better. A tiny bit more confident.

And not long after, I could let go…because she was riding the bike, all by herself.


Thats what I’m telling myself now. I got some bad news, and my first thought was the “immediate gratification” of using something. But what good will that do in the long run? Not taking that easy way out this time.


Zombie thread. Bc apparently people still need to hear it.


Zombie lounge thread.

Sad because I was still getting random likes for my post :disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:

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All fixed csunfurries

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maniacal laughter yes, yes, yesssssss! All the likes!

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