Three Days done

Reached 3 days now to keep continueing a few at a time. The third day tends to usually be a trigger now to pass day 8 an day 12 the days i usually relapse in the early weeks of staying clean lets do this


@Ruds u ever tried Aa or something like that ? U doing a Great work. Good thing you take your self seriously, do what you need for your self. Belive your self , i hope you do .stay positive and be openminded:)

Today is day 12 for me. We can and we will kick addiction right in the butt


Whats Aa ? But thank u for the words i will do my best to beat this so i wont be controlled by it

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Congrats i will see ya at the finish line as well

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Aa are anonymus alcoholics @Ruds .there u find the same support and love as here. I atend weekly, got sponsor and working the steps 12 step program .its an ongoing thing. For me its a gamechanger