Tips for getting through the first few days

I’m trying to get sober again after several relapses! I’d like tips from you guys on getting through those first few days. Also what are your ideas and thoughts on AA

First few days are crucial and are all about self-care: get plenty of rest, stay hydrated with water and a good diet

Some things that work for me:

AA meetings * and reading the big book

Checking in on here frequently (like minded sober support system)

Keep a sobriety journal (your thoughts, sober websites and books and other info you want to check out, great quotes or inspiration you come across, doodling and art and photos, etc) This helps you stay positive, watch your progress, and keep you out of your own head.

Go for walks or a bike ride when you’re feeling antsy

A list of people you can call when struggling

Keep busy: watch a movie, go window shopping, do a hobby, read a book, clean your house and do chores.

*AA has been a huge part of my recovery. I have sober friends there, I go to listen to others, and work the steps. Try it out and explore other recovery programs that will work for you. Be open-minded and don’t do this alone. Take the I out of illness and replace it with We and you get wellness.
Happy sober 2017!

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I recommend AA very highly. Actually one of the best ways to get get sober initially is to commit to going to a meeting a day for at least a month. Other than that remove all temptations and triggers. Don’t have substances around or hang out with people you used with. Sleep a lot, exercise, drink a lot of water, take a bath. Be excited about sobriety, I think that really got me where I want to be with it (I have 13 days today!) Good luck and happy new year!!!

One thing that helped me for sure was excercise. Excercise until I wanted to drop. It’s amazing how much your body doesn’t want alcohol after a good work out. Keep yourself busy. Check in here. AA is great I have geard

keep it simple, don’t drink. keep your mind busy

Also, here are some websites, apps, and books you might want to check out. This is a collaboration from other people here on the forum. (@Oliverjava, @Naturehippy @Elisabeth) This will keep you very busy and focused.


Bliss (gratitude journal)
Dalio mood tracker
Journal app
Bold Moves (motivational quotes game)
Positive Thinking app
Heads pace (meditation)
MST (my spiritual tool kit)
Habit Bull (habit/goal tracker)

This Naked Mind
Healing the Addicted Brain
The Recovery Book
Being Sober
The Thinking Person’s Guide to Recovery

**Any one else have recommendations? Feel free to share. Let’s let this list grow and grow.


Personally what really got me through it was telling a few close friends to stay accountable. Going to AA and hearing others stories. Ditching my diet and indulging/rewarding when needed. Food/sugar should be short term, but much needed in the beginning. It helped because I felt like I didn’t have anything to look forward to anymore and every now and then chocolate or pizza or whatever saved me.


Truly! Recess Peanut buttercups for me and the occasional wardrobe accessory. I wear a cuff on my right wrist reminding me that no glass, bottle, or can, should be held :slight_smile:

I’ve been splurging for a mantra band each month so that at the end of the year I’ll have 12 with my motivation for that month :slight_smile:


That is the coolest idea!

I’m such a metaphorical person that these tangible reminders are necessary. It would be almost impossible for me to pick up a drink with my right hand is and not see my cuff and internalize is meaning, thus making my choice and extremely conscious one

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Many of us internalize objects and experiences beyond the normative individual- you psychologically broke down how reinforcing new habits helps…epic!

It’s interesting how similar addicts are. I also wear a necklace and bracelet which I committed a no-drinking connotation to. It’s incredible how well it works. It’s like my armer when in a bar or around friend’s drinking, I even recently told my friends if they see these artifacts on me…forget about buying me drinks lol- an indicator for me and for them!


I bought myself a sobriety necklace at year 1, and I was given a bracelet at year 5 with multiple charms on it-each representing a year (it has 26 charms and it was my grandmother’s sobriety bracelet) The charms include a coffee cup, a zodiac sign, a birthstone, the sobriety date, etc…they all represent something. I like the month by month idea too.

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I call it my armor too! I have the strength of a cotton ball and these things do add a protective exoskeleton to my early stages of sobriety. I don’t really count the days, I go by the waxing and waning of the moon and every significant date or milestone get a earth stone to symbolize the past month. I saved the wine bottle from my last hangover (that lasted two days) and am slowly filling it with my ‘mile-stones’ :slight_smile: To add to the significance, the wine was called “The Prisoner” and has a shackled man on its front… as the stones reach the top I feel I will no longer be imprisoned but created for myself a way out. :wink:


Who the fuck are you…a modern day Muir :)…#naturehealsall

Ohhh @Naturehippy that’s really gooood. I love your symbolism techniques. I use and wear crystals and cleanse them on full moons.

It sounds like you had quite the day yesterday, one that you successfully got through- the moon was less than 3% visible but you could see its glow. Perhaps thats where you are on your journey… your strengths slowly becoming for self visible! I think you need to get yourself a moonstone :wink:

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Biggest thing for me was couldn’t have any alcohol around. It’s tough but try to find a drink to substitute,I found Mountain Dew and ginger ale helped some. AA meetings help SOMETIMES but don’t judge on first one u go to, That one might suck next one might be really helpful. Good luck hang in there!

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