Tired and Depressed

Good morning. It’s Mother’s Day and Day 14 for me. I woke up tired, anxious, and depressed. Feeling very isolated even though my family is all around me. I hate these mood swings.


Hang in there. The mood swings suck, I know. They do get better in time, less frequent and less severe. Be depressed, it’s okay, you’re allowed. Just hug your kids tight, tell them you love them, and be sad. You don’t HAVE to be perfect smilie for them. Just let them know it isn’t because of them. Does that make sense?


Thanks…I feel like I need medication for the depression. I get so low. But I know I also need to start feeling as I’ve shut down my feelings for too many years. The perfection piece is tough for me too. One day…one minute…one second at a time I guess.

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Hang on in there i was very low and cryed non stop until i hit day 30ish … but its our bodies detoxing… most people on here struggle at the beginning… its a massive life change that we r doing… have u got soba network around u ? Try aa …its saved my life x


Thank you. My next step is the go to an AA mtg. I don’t know why I’m so afraid to go to one…but I need the support. Other than my husband (who does not have a drinking problem) and my counselor, no one else knows :sleepy:


I got super low on day 13. Was rubbish. It went after a few days and I hope it goes as quickly for you.

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Thanks. I hope so. This really sucks.

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I know it sucks right now, but it is going to end.

It’s in moments like these where one should embrace these negative, sad feelings because without these negative, sad times we would be unable to appreciate the good, happy times.
This is an opportunity to learn more about yourself and why you feel this way. Take advantage of the situation.


I’m going to try. Thank you :two_hearts:

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I was the same as u no one knew how bad i was … the min i walked into the rooms i felt understood for the first time in my life i found other people like myself… they all looked so relaxed though and i was a total mess… the love and support i have around me is out of this world… and its all thanks to aa x

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I’m going to go to a meeting this week. That’s my goal. Thank you. I feel less scared now. :two_hearts:


Congrats on day 14! With my own depression (that fed my drinking habit) I noticed the more I have opened up about it (with my therapist, boyfriend, and close friends) the more that serious anxiety and depression faded away. I bottle things up. And my boyfriend and therapist are the only ones in my life that know how bad my drinking could be. I think going to a meeting an opening up will be good. When I opened up at a meeting I bawled my eyes out. But the support there was amazing. And so many people offered sponsorship, a number to call at any time. It’s really amazing the support you can get! I wish you luck.

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Thanks so much for commenting. I feel a bit better today…just overwhelmed at times. This forum is helping me already. Now…to attend a meeting.

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The mood swings never stopped for me. I’m on day 280 and I still get them- I had to go on a low dose of meds for anxiety and depression (Cipralex) and it has made a world of difference for me!! I knew there was a problem for me when there were no events that happened that were depressing or upsetting and I was still depressed, anxious, unmotivated, etc.

From one mama to another- happy belated Mother’s Day :heart:


Thank you. Happy Mother’s Day to you too :two_hearts:.

I’m on Cimbalta already…I’ve needed a mood stabilizer most of my life. But it’s been for anxiety. The depression is really bad now. I think I may need to talk with my doc.