Tired of being messed with

Love this thread.

The thing I find with love is that you cant plan it. You cant organize it and you cant set yourself up and count on it.

Love is divinely inspired so the other part is you cant screw it up either. It will happen when it happens exactly the way it was supposed to happen with ZERO effort.

Work on yourself! Sharpen that sobriety stone. Be the moralistic man whk sets his eyes towards perfection of himself. The closer you come to that man the close love will automatically be attracted.

Total law of attraction if you are in a positive good place so will the people you surround yourself be.

One of them is bound to be the love of yoyr life. Becareful what you wish for.

23 years into a marriage and I am grateful for every single second I got to spend on my own building me.

Love and cherish this time for you too!

Your the bomb already!


Hey, dont feel ashamed. Love is a great gift. He was a fool not to appreciate you :heart:

Hey there Steve when I read that the first thing I thought was “he’s gotta stop texting her now” let her go it’s what she’s asking and it seems like she likes the attention and not the commitment. Some people don’t know what they have till its gone and if ur always at the other end of the phone for her then she’s hasn’t experienced that. Life is short we all know that n it just seems like mayb the time spent here could be used for someone who is ready. Even if you can feel like your not ready yet sometimes when that person comes into your life all that waiting stops. Cos you don’t want anyone else to grab them. How long does she think you will wait it’s not fair if the boot was on the other foot I’m sure she would feel the same. Hope you work our whats best to do for yourself x


Got to watch it with those generalizations here, regardless of the experiences you base them on. I learned this last week.

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The moment I met my wife, I was done. I felt the universe crack. She thought I might be a “player”, so she played it cool for a bit. I hung in there, and a year later, we were married. 19 years.


I told my wife the only way I’m leaving this marriage, is in a box:rofl:

Totally true.

You cant see it at the time but looking back the universe cracked.

Love those ladies who play it cool!

She saved my life.

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I am certain that there might be a fella’s universe out there, waiting to crack when you enter it.

Thanks @C-sun this hit home.

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Rent a few strippers … get a big ass fur coat , slow your walk … just nod at her as you stroll by not giving a f …
She is essentially doing the same to you. Be better at it