To Be A Star Again

Hey everyone I’m StarBright and I’m having a hard time trying to quit smoking crack cocaine. Not sure if there are any others that are dealing with this DOC :frowning: but I’m here to quit and find support and help from this app. I’m new to this but I have to try something to change the way I’m living


I wouldn’t worry about your doc the issue on here is addition, your in the right place. welcome aboard and good luck with today.

Thanks Ludo so far this is exactly what I feel as if I need.


Thanks Dolse71 the acceptance is wonderful and thanks for reasurring me that I’m in the right place to find help and support.


Hi and welcome 🙋
If you use the :mag: button above you can find all the treads about crack cocaine.
Hope to see you around often, it helps to be here much :facepunch:

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Thank you Buts, I’m reading up on things now, I’m finding everything is going to be very helpful.


I quit smoking crack almost 2 years ago now. I suggest trying AA or NA as well. I also suggest cutting out all drugs and alcohol. I rarely used crack on it’s own. I was an everyday smoker for a couple of years and found it was easier if I got completely sober. If you have the time you might wanna do 30 days in rehab to get over the initial cravings.