To the relapser, Vol 5

For me getting sober took 2 things: action and change. One thing I quickly learned on here, was that those who achieved and maintained their sobriety did something more than “just not drink”

I was one of those that swore I would never do AA, or any program for that matter. I actually said to my sober sister on here: “I just cant see letting someone dictate how I will live my life”. A stupid statement created by a false narrative I made up in my head about sponsors. @CaptAZ told me in those beginning days, to at least leave AA as an option. I rolled my eyes as I read it.

For 89 days I rolled with my own program. For 89 days it worked. I knew that evening, I could no longer do it own my own. I could see that day 90 was going to rough, failure loomed.

Failure wasnt an option. My first day with out a drink was suppose to be my last day on earth. I had planned to place a gun in my mouth. I actually had it there. The grace of God saved me. God simply said, “try sober”

I knew, as I still believe, if I drink again…I will pull the trigger.

Those first 89 days were full of activities. I set up a strict routine. I scratch made every meal. I set aside 2 hours a day to research anything dealing with alcoholism and addiction. I walked 5 miles a day. I journaled.

For the most part, I made great headway with my sobriety those 89 days. However, we know it takes a lot longer for the brain to re-set from addiction abuse. While life got better, all I was learning was how to fill the day with not drinking. To be honest, I think in the beginning, it’s a great thing to do.

Day 90 fell on the anniversary of the death of one of my sailors. I always blamed myself for his death. As an officer, I was responsible to bring him home safely to his mother…in my eyes I failed in.

Those first 89 days didnt quite get me ready to cope with that. It’s a tall order to re-learn how to cope with denied grief, misplace blame, and deep guilt.

Action and change. I took action the first 89 days. Day 90 I started the change. I had to stay sober

I was desperate to stay sober. I walked my happy butt into AA.

Here is the truth of the matter. I had to do more, or I would drink.

If you are constantly relapsing you have to ask yourself…have I done everything possible?

Stay sober my friends!


Thanks for the inspiration. You rock :metal::love_you_gesture:


Just telling my story. Just anniversary reflections.

Can everyday be some sort of anniversary for you? Really appreciate you taking the time to share these.

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And be totally honest.

Why not be open to any option that will help you achieve the goal of not just being sober but also being happy and enjoying life?

I scoffed at the notion of AA, therapy, any group of any kind. I got myself into this, I can damn sure get myself out. Well I couldn’t. I was dark, I was always living with impending doom, I was all about the fuck its, it was fated to be this way.

I caved, did everything. I did therapy, AA, IOP, volunteer work. Life got a lot more brighter. I’ve been sober since 1/20/18 thanks to all that stuff.

Great post Scott, glad something I said helped a fellow hard headed alcoholic.


I havent felt that since I got sober.

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Great work on your journey! I too was a serial relapser every 2-3 weeks taking a binge at cocaine and alcohol and leaving myself severely depressed and disruptive to my relationship and home life!! YOU need to want to have the will to stop and work a program of recovery to allow yourself to change you will not do it alone and until you have enough pain! For me that is what stopped me and I follow AA !

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Will + program = sobriety. Easy math!