To the relapser: Volume 7

There will be bad days. You dont have to drink. This might have been the hardest thing for me to “re-learn”. For decades, bad news was chased with alcohol. Never once did it dawn on me that all that alcohol did nothing for the bad news…with the exception of deepening depression and a nasty hangover.

Recently in one 24 hour period I experienced the following" 1) finding out my niece has a rare cancer that there isnt a cure for, 2) my mom being hospitalized, 3) my nephew facing a possible medical discharge from the Marine Corp, 4) my brother-in-law having serious medical issues, 5) my brother-in-law working at a place, and being present during an active shooter.

Pretty shitty day. What would drinking have done? Absolutely nothing. The way I see it, it would have been the most selfish thing I could have done. As alcoholics and addicts, we hold those around us hostage. Our temperament, our time, our resources all sink into our addiction. We are the center of the universe, and everything else is secondary. Staying sober allows us to be there for them.

It’s ok to be sad, angry, confused, frightened. Being sober allows us to process those feelings and then move on with life. Drinking numbs those feelings, leaving them unresolved. Festering feelings that leak into other parts of our lives.

Stay sober!


Thanks for this Scott, I am going to bookmark it.
It’s easy to forget when we are overwhelmed with emotions, always good to have a reminder.

Hope some of those hard " life on life terms" will settle soon for your family, sending love and strength. :heart:


Thanks for sharing this, such a great reminder. Also, thanks for being strong and staying sober! You’re a role model :+1:

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Things have seltled, and life is moving along. Thank you for the love and strength.

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Thank you for the kind words. Far from a role model. Just a recovered drunk living life on life’s terms.


Good stuff man. Thank you for sharing :slightly_smiling_face:

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Love this. Thank you for sharing!! Happy to be on this journey with you!!

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Thank you for reminding me (us) why it’s just so important to be living in the moment; life can change for us, and for all the ones we love most in a blink of an eye, and we need to be ready for it…living a life dulled by alcohol or drugs takes our freedom and opportunity of being there for others away…just another thing it steals.

Thank you for reminding me of this very real truth. My prayers go out to your loved ones…may the blessing of strength be with you all.



very well said!

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I am so sorry that you’re going through all that. Thank you so much for sharing and using it as a learning tool. You are a good man.

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Definitely food for thought. And well done for getting thru a hard day sober. You are right, it is the only way.

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You’d make a good counselor or something along those lines.
Hugs to you…

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Thank you for sharing. :heart:

First tap

Then you will see a bunch of icons…the one that looks like a book mark is what you want

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@michaeljlogan74 there will always be bad days, some worse than others…taking any substance that alters your mind, simply doesnt help in the long term, nor the short term.

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I understand. :facepunch:t2:

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Bumping this. Darn that was a shitty day. Didnt drink.

Bad days are common excuses to relapse. Never heard of drinking actually helping