Today I did it!

I was running errands all day with the kids. After, making it home I decided to finish my last errand groceries alone…This was always when mommy would grab some wine and slam it! Today I totally pre-planned to stop at the corner and just get 2 told myself. Driving there I made a sharp left and went straight back home cooked dinner. I’m so dang happy and proud of myself! But it’s scary how your self can tell your brain “it’s ok” yikes.

2 days will be 30 days

Thank you :pray:t2:


Great discipline!


First time in a long time that “discipline” kicked in

Thank you!

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Your discipline is inspiring.

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Well thank you…So many people have inspired me to share more. Glad I found this forum/we all found this forum


Super proud of you!

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That was a milestone! You did it and you should be proud of yourself. Every time you make the right choice you’ll get stronger!

Awesome job!!!

Whew! You made It!

Those ol damn habits and that damn lower power – but you made it. :fist:t3::fist:t3:

What happened inside of you that made that possible like that?