Today. I started the challenge of not watching porn

today. I started the challenge of not watching porn


Good for you Tom! It is 100% worth it. Porn is garbage.

It’s a good time now to take steps to dig into what you want instead.

Porn is a place where we hide. Often it’s a place where we hide because we’re scared or feel intimidated by the real world, real people, real stakes. Porn is a place where there’s no risk. (There’s no risk of failure, but that means there’s no chance of success.)

To get sober we need to change a few things.

For me, it helped to get rid of my smartphone. I traded it in for a flip phone. If you think it will help you can also give away your computer and just do your online work at work and the public library. These things might sound crazy but they are steps that can help you reach your goal in the short term.

Longer term, you need to learn new ways to live. Specifically, you need to learn to connect with people instead of hiding in porn.

I did this by joining a sex addiction recovery group at a clinic in my city. You can search for some in your area, or these are good too:

I have one simple rule I find helpful: you’re allowed to do anything that’s safe and legal, to stay sober.

Walks for hours, listening to angry music? Yep.
Go to three sex addiction recovery group meetings a day, and maybe SMART Recovery group meetings too? Absolutely. (SMART is also available in person; see
Cake for dinner? Yes.
Go on a movie binge at your local theatre? Yes.
Visit an amusement park for the day?
Take a drive to the country and visit a park? Yes.
Etc etc.

Take care and don’t give up. Take it one day at a time :innocent:


Hey, that’s great news! It’ll be well worth your time to begin the process, and it’s one I promise you won’t regret. I am actively working on this addiction, as well, but I can already assure you how much happier I have become since quitting.

There has been great advice already shared from the post above, so I echo the same things once more. Of course, we are also in your corner fighting alongside you, so don’t be afraid to reach out along the way; there are many of us here to help guide you along the way :slight_smile:

Once again, congratulations on taking the first steps! :slight_smile:

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