Today Is day one of being sober

I am scared out of my mind. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thank you.


Know that we have all been there before and you are not alone. AA meetings really help :slight_smile:


I have tried a couple and they were just not for me. Hoping to see what else was out there. But thank you.

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I felt the same way about it. I purchased a workbook for addictions and women which is helpful. I also read a lot of Articles and positive statements on Pinterest or online. Reaching out to people that you know support you and understand is very helpful. If you don’t have anyone in your life this app / website can be a lifesaver! Journal your thoughts and feelings helps as well.exercise. Do whatever you have to do different so that the habit goes away. It takes time. It took me a couple weeks to be able to pass the liquor store I used to go to without looking at it and drooling/crying basically LOL but seriously I still have internal battles 8 weeks into sobriety. I have to convince myself daily that this is a good thing even though I know deep down that it is, we all know how the mind works… You got this!


Sometimes I had to take it 5 minutes at a time. Do what you can do stay away. It whatever you want, excercise or just go for a walk. Promise it’s worth it. No one ever says “Man, I regret getting sober” Heck, when the urge gets to hard, post here. I can also suggest some supplements to help with mood and anxiety. If you have a doctor, let them know. They will give you meds to help with anxiety and such. You can do this


@sadrian2000 of course its scary and i say that is a good thing. That means you are alert . Atleast u are honest :slight_smile: Find somebody to talk With about your feelings and toughts . Going trough your feelings and patherns will help you, its is a damn struggle but it will help you to see and understand things about yourself. Read about others stories its very helpfull too. In others i find my self. Atend meetings , sponsor is great too. I do hope you make the right choice for yourself. Remember you are Worth to have a good life .


I have made a doctor appointment, i am willing to try anything. I want my happy self back!

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Me too. We got this!

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Smart move. Be completely honest with your doctor. I was with mine and she was was willing to help anyway I can. That is a very good step you getting sober. Congrats!

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