Today, is the first day of the rest of a new međź‘Š

Today I took my first two diazapam tablets this morning. This is my first time quitting alcohol and the steps to no longer be alcohol dependent.
My detox will last for 7 days, then next Monday I start a 12 week rehab program.
This is 5 days a week, 9am-16.00. It’s a group program going through the 12 steps.
I’m scared :poop: less.
Any advice/help is muchly appreciated :raised_hands:
Or, if I can help or be there for anyone, I’m here.


Welcome and succes ! :slight_smile:

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Thank you kindly! :grin::muscle:

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All the best to you :muscle:

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Thanks! :+1::smiley:

Sending positive thoughts

I think you are very courageous and I’m proud of you. You have a great plan in place to kick off your sober journey. I hope others trying to free themselves of alcohol read this thread and follow your path. Hoping and wishing won’t get you sober. You have to take action. Well done.


I found a 12 step program very successful. I have 3 suggestions:


The fellowship of AA is what has been my foundation. I too did anti seizure meds and then 12 weeks of rehab. I truly needed that length as I feel I’d have gone back out for any less.
Scary’s to be expected. This is an entire life change, thinking change and doing change.

As long as the desire to stop & do something different is there, we have a chance to be free of the bondage of self.

As Lisa & the big book say, “open and honest in all our affairs”. We don’t heal if we keep being actors & actresses. Here’s to a happier and healthier you!