Reached 30 days today without a drink. Even though the night is ruined by me being Ill (cold, not withdrawal related) still calls for a minute of reflection. I remember why I made the choice to become sober, and that is more clear to me now then ever before. Things that were ruined from my drinking can never be fixed, but be damn sure it will never happen again. There is somebody out there I wish to say I’m sorry, and ask for forgiveness, but I know she does not want to see or hear from me. I am sorry, and it is for her and everyone else I have ever hurt that I will continue to be sober. It is a long battle, but I finally had enough, and I’m not backing down.
Thank you! I think maybe some ice cream for this sore throat. I tell ya too, I love this. Helped me so much
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Congrats! Keep up the good work!
Thank you buddy!! I’ll keep on trucking
Congratulation of 30 days sober very nice work .stick to your choise and belive in yourself. Love yourself because you are Worth it. Stay sober
w00t! Well done on your first 30 days \o/
For me, definitely staying in helped. I know it sounds boring, but better in the end. I would also allow myself to eat whatever I want. Big steak or cheeseburger and some ice cream. Watch a movie or play games. Indulge in other things. That helped me
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For friday’s atend meetings guys
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Give it time. I know you will fit right in. Its a gamechanger