Traumatic Nightmares

So lately I have been have some serious traumatic nightmares from my past.

Has anyone else experience this i wanna know that im not alone
and if possible please share these experience with me cause i have no idea what to do wit them or how to deal wit them lately


that’s what i was considering on doing it’s from my past (childhood) just not understanding why now you know

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like why am i having dreams from my past experiences now

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im considering on writing it down i have to do something cause it’s driving me insane


If this is a symptom of PTSD please please please look into EMDR therapy. It helped me move passed my PTSD and i hadnt heard of it before so i swore i would spread the word whenever possible.

My link wont paste but google it please!


I know I have PTSD; but, I don’t know how to stop these dreams.
I’m on medication and nothing seems to be helping at all.

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When I was drinking I had sleep Anea. Probably still have it to a degree. Had the breathing machine and everything, but I quit using it, long story lol. But I was blacking out, rather passing out. I would never truly get 8 hours, some of it has to do with healing from a broken leg 3 years ago. That’s when I really stopped sleeping thru the night, I’d wake up after the booze wore off, then toss and turn for the next 4 hours. Miserable.

When I quit drinking, my pattern is the same, I wake up after 4hours, need a drink of water, then I’m back to sleep. But it’s a true 8 hrs sleep, just a wake up in the middle. But the dreams… they are VIVID! sometimes it’s like a whole story line. Always crazy shit going on, using dreams sometimes, and always with people I know of course, alive and dead. I tell my wife about them in the morning, usually met with “that’s crazy” then they drift off and out of my consciousness.

After a month or so I looked it up, sleep patterns can take up to 6 months to return to normal after quitting drinking. Someone in this community said it could take a year, so its something I’m riding out for now.


I’m not on anything other than prescribed medication & I’m on maintenance as well.
My night terrors are from my past childhood experiences but, yes I do have those
nights where i feel like i get no sleep at all.

You might be processing these experiences now that you are sober. Past trauma encourages addicts to numb that pain with substances so those traumatic experiences were never dealt with. Journaling or therapy could help you process. :heart:


I’m not drinking nor using. Past trauma is bound to come up if you never face personal things that has happened in your past. I have bad anxiety have my entire life.

I’m just trying to figure out how to face this head on without trigger myself.
does that make sense?

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I think that’s the hard part. Just being able to take a deep breath and come to peace with those things, somehow.

Getting sober tends to come with a phase of more vivid dreams and even nightmares for a while. For many, it’s dreams about drinking or using. Probably more vivid cuz the sleep patterns are changing, and then stuff that’s on our minds just bubbles up.

Dunno what to suggest really. Talking it through and acknowledging it maybe. Trying to keep up a regular sleep schedule and maybe practicing meditation. Sometimes even just with some time it levels out.

Most important to remember, they are only dreams and you are safe and sober. :pray:


My first 30 days I had crazy dreams. Dreams that made zero sense, some scary, some filled with sex and some bizarre. I’m convinced it was just my brain recalibrating. It had been running on alcohol for so long and now it could actually function at its potential again.

After about thirty days it’s back normal type dreams nothing exciting :yawning_face::yawning_face::yawning_face::yawning_face::flushed::man_shrugging:


Hey Ash! I struggle with this as well. I can only speak from my own experience and what I have learned in relation to it —

The dreams can depend on many things such as the severity of the trauma, how much you have or have yet to process, and how long you used before getting clean.

Our brains do a lot to try and protect us from threats, real or perceived. A lot of memories can be suppressed and using our doc can also do things with those memories.

For me, I was using since I was 8, my trauma continued until I was 24, and I continued using until I was 27. Now over 2 years sober I am in therapy finally starting to process it and at first the nightmares were terrible. Talking about things in therapy, journaling details of them & meditating before bed to finish processing and calming the last of the thought before bed helps reduce the nightmares. And making sure you are sleeping in a place where you really feel comfortable and safe. Personally I always need a nightlight.

Sending you lots of love and I hope you’re able to find what works for you to have less of these nightmares! :two_hearts:


It does and that is a tricky question. It’s hard to figure out what triggers you so you can avoid those triggers until you’ve been triggered by it. Our brains are wacky places.

If you can, try to find someone you can talk through the trauma with, probably a therapist. That way you can avoid unexpected feelings coming up surrounding these experiences. Unfortunately it sounds like your subconscious wants you to deal with them now and it’s tricky to argue with your subconscious.

I like this approach too. :point_up:t3: Keep your sobriety in the forefront of your mind and keep marching through the days even if the nights are rough. :heart:


Thanks Everyone for the feed back <3


what exactly is that?

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Because of my PTSD I have a lot of nightmares of my past, even just nightmares in general. Medication helped me with my nightmares when I was on medication. Meditation and listening to rain audios on YouTube helped me a lot. I’m so sorry you’re encountering this, I’m in the same boat

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EMDR therapy is a therapy used for PTSD. You can do it yourself! There’s good techniques you can find on YouTube, but it basically connects one side of the brain to the other side, so it’s easier to process I guess you could say

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Ja dit is heel herkenbaar.
Ik heb vannacht ook weer een aantal verschrikkelijke nachtmerries gehad en weinig uurtjes geslapen.
Dit had ik al in gebruik maar nu ik 34 dagen abstinent ben (blowen) wordt het steeds erger en vermoeiender.
Ik hoop dat EMDR snel hervat kan worden om trauma’s uit het verleden te verwerken :pray:.

Groetjes Masja (Nederland)