Trying again at trying again

Lost count of which attempt at being alcohol free this is. Hoping this is the one that does it. My mom use to say “when are you gone leave your friend alone” “what friend?” I’d say lol but I knew what she meant. I’ve been really good at saying “I would have got in that fight even if I was sober” but when I think about it, I don’t recall to many sober fights if any.recently I embarrassed myself and my girlfriend in public with one of my quote unquote justifiable fights. it’s funny what or who it takes to hold up the same mirror as many before have tried to do ,before you see yourself. 4days and counting. Trying again at Trying again.


Never stop trying @Asouljah xx


4 days is already an accomplishment. We are proud of you. Take it day by day, hour by hour if you have to. Soon your mind will clear up and you’ll begin to feel real, true happiness & energy. It’s going to be a awesome feeling. Use that energy & happiness to do different things to occupy your mind and keep you on track. You can do this. Don’t give up.

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