Trying not trying?

Ive been on here for a week, but have only stayed sober when Im too hungover :disappointed:

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I did that for years. Wouldn’t drink for a day or 2, feel normalish and drink again. Then I just drank all the time, to feel normal.

What are you willing to do to be sober? If the answer is anything, you’ll succeed. If the answer is whatevers convenient/comfortable you’ll likely be stuck in the same flight pattern you’re currently in.


I used to only not drink on bad hangover days too, usually Tuesdays, Thursdays and sometimes Saturdays.

Took years before I was ready to make that important change. You’re here, so sounds like you are almost there. I know it’s a scary step, but it’s worth it a million times over.


What have you been doing to help yourself stop this past week? Has it just been abstaining?
Have you had a look around this forum, there may be information that could be helpful to you.

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I could have written your post a year ago for sure. I was a chronic binger, and only ever sober on days when I was hungover until bed time. It was terrible! Now I’m 220 days hangover free. Put in the work my friend, and watch your life change in all of the best ways possible :two_hearts:


I work in a bar, and have built so many relationships around it. Seems impossible to change😞

You dont have to limit your life to working in a bar. There are many other options similar to the industry where alcohol isnt hanging on the walls and shelves. You can do a total career change if u stay sober and put your mind to it. Thats part of getting sober is showing what we are really capable of and finding ourselves…


If you really want to get sober then you go for it with everything you have. If you can’t change your job, can you have a holiday for a bit so you can get used to the idea of not drinking.
It all comes down to how much you are prepared to do to get sober.
It could be life changing!:grinning:

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I am also in the restaurant industry.’ My husband and I are both chefs. I had to switch to taking a break from the kitchen and start working morning shifts to help me drink less. I am a current binge drinker. Day three sober again. I stayed sober a whole month last year and honestly it was the best I have felt in years. I plan on staying sober for good now. Drinking is ruining my health, family and relationships. It’s hurting more than helping. I’ve found I find much better relationships outside the bar then in it. You can do this but don’t beat yourself up when you have a rough day. So far being on this app has been really greAt for me. Finding other people who are in the same boat and very supportive. Good luck!


Comfort is the enemy of progress.

Sobriety is life changing, life altering. It can be scary. Just because you work in a bar doesn’t mean you have to drink. I’d for sure suggest not drinkinf during work, and then go straight home after you clock out, or better yet to a meeting of AA, a place where people know what you’re going through.

We are in large part a product of our environment, if we hang with drinkers we will likely find ourselves drinking. If we hang with actively sober people we will likely find ourselves being actively sober.


Think Sam “mayday” Malone…you can make it work if you have to…


Its uust so hard. I have worked in same pla e for 13 years. My family has owned it for 10. So I’ve bullt so many 'friendship’s 'around it. I only workor am with mu kids. So meetkng other people seens impossible.:frowning:

Thanks! Just hatd getting out of pattern. I alway jokecthat I cant even meet ppl at grocery store because I order online.:rofl::roll_eyes::worried: