Hey guys, I’m back with a bit of trouble.
Today I’m sixty days sober and I’m proud but this week has been a real struggle. I’ve never had a constant problem with drugs but I know that I have a liking for pain pills and it’s really heavy on my mind this week. I’ve caught myself three or four times thinking of how I could go to a new doctor just once and get a script for whatever I want. I keep thinking, it would just be this once to help with the stress. But I know it won’t just be once… I’m struggling with it a lot because the resources are so easily available and no one has ever caught me or suspected me for popping pills…
I can relate, 56 days sober from alcohol but for the days I have been taking benzodiazepines. So angry at my self!!!
@Luke_Jacob_Carroll great job on 60 days sober! I think its great you recognize why you want pills. Stress. Have you thought of other things you can do to cope with stress. Where does the stress stem from?
Congrats With 60 days @Luke_Jacob_Carroll . Stay strong . I recomend that you tell somebody u trust about your struggle/ addiction. Let the shame go. I know it is not easy . Life depends on it as the way i see it. What i want for you is that you be happy again.
Congrats on 60 days that is amazing.
I know how you feel I catch myself liking pain medicine a little too much.When they put 1 refill a month restriction on my migraine medicine I found myself actually upset.
Some things I have substituted that with is massages and chiropractor however those are expenesive so another thing I do when I dont want to do that is excercise. I go to the gym about 4 to 5 days on average a week, always at least an hour workout.
It relieves stress SO much. Thats something i suffer from alot.Constantly overthinking and worrying about the outcome of situations.Its nice to just zone out with music. It also helps you sleep.
Not sure if you already do this but if you dont, you should.
You are strong and beautiful and you have made it farther than myself in the last 10 years. Dont give up the good fight because the beauty of the outcome is way more special than thecouple of hours in a downward spiral. You can do this. I would go to a meeting with you but will be in spirit. I dont really do the meetings but am starting to truly realize that I need more support from people that are understanding and dont judge me. We can do this, stay strong… please reach out to me if you need a friend to talk too. Good luck and keep your head held high…