Trying to keep busy

I’m currently working on day 3 of sobriety. I’ve been really trying to keep busy. I have had a couple of cravings but was able to distract myself by cleaning. I’m afraid that once I’ve cleaned everything I will want to pick up a drink. I have not done anything that has brought me joy in a long time I don’t know what to do. I don’t even know what brings me joy anymore because it was drinking. Anyone have any ideas?

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People keep saying that keep yourself busy. But I think it rarely helps. Because the thing we are addicted to is always their in the back of our mind. My advice , cleaning your place is not the most effective way of distraction. I think going out, taking a trip to Mountains, do something where you interact with people , talk and make this experience so over whelming that your mind will only focus on this. And then come home super tired and sleep. Throw away all the stash of liquor from your home, stop visiting places or people which remind you of drink. Don’t pass from the road which has a liquor shop.

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@karma thank you…I did throw out all alcohol on my 1st day and it’s Sunday so no liquor stores open. I don’t have a lot of friends where I live due to me moving here for my soon to be ex husband. The friends I do have drink so that’s not really an option. I do find the weekend harder because I don’t have my job to throw myself into.

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I know the struggle. Currently I stay at home all the time, preparing for an exam, so I don’t go out much often. It’s tough to beat addiction when you are alone at home because that’s the most difficult time. Just keep believing that one day you can. We are with you.


Congrats on 3days sober:) its tough, but you are tough because you are doing it ! Whats worked for me i had to trough all my inner issues , why and how i did things in the past, to understand and realise how i Hurt everyone around me. I worked trough my shame and guilt, it all starts within . I had to forgive my self . Hardest thing i ever done in my whole life . But its well Worth it .i do not have cravings as it used to be …


I have a list of things I do when I crave or need to be kept busy at night. A lot of times I write in my journal about my experience thus far, take a shower, do a sheet mask for 30 min and take care of my skin and flush the craving with a glass of ice water. All of it is good for you so there’s no feeling guilty. Congrats on your sobriety and you can do it!