Trying to sleep

Day 8 , I haven’t been getting much sleep, I’m up basically all night tossing and turning. I’m so tired, like so tired.

I have taken melatonin , is there any other tips you guys have?


Most alcoholics lack magnesium, I take magnesium glycinate at night with melatonin and zinc and I’m able to sleep, it will start working the first night you take it… Google magnesium and alcohol withdrawal insomnia


It’s normal for our bodies to finally be alert when we aren’t forcing the self induced coma sleep. I’m not sure when it gets better or if well rested sleep ever comes. Personally I’m 41 days today no alcohol and I go to bed between 9-10 pm and by 4-4:30 daily I pop up wide awake! No alarm clock. Our body’s going to have to adjust to the chemical changes happening. Sleepytime tea helps. Melatonin only helps assist the part of your brain that says I’m tired. I personally haven’t ever taken it but have done a ton of research on it because a lot of people give it to their children. I’ve opted out of giving it to my daughter and my daughter has autism and trouble sleeping the doctor recomended Trying CBD instead of melatonin because it has less effects on the chemical balance.( if it’s not a trigger for substance abuse). Meditation, I’ve learned that reading the big blue sleeping pill aka the big book right before bed helps. Lmao. Doing cardio or going for a brisk walk after dinner or Epsom salt baths. Hope some of this helps


Exercise really helps. I have started taking magnesium (I take melatonin too) and it seems to help.


Thanks guys , I will try all these things :relaxed:


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I found melatonin can’t get into my system to work unless I take it in the fast dissolve form or with some food.
You may need to look at your caffeine consumption. Many alcoholics develop an unhealthy cycle of alcohol at night to shut down and caffeine in the day to ratchet us into working mode. Up with caffeine and down with alcohol, round and round. When we cut out the alcohol we need to cut back on the caffeine too to sleep.


My caffeine intake is actually not that much at the moment , I do not drink coffee , I drink tea , I have 2-3 a day , I try and drink mainly water at night , but sometimes I do make a tea , however I am picking up the sleepy time tea , instead of regular for bedtime.

You guys have been such a help :pray::pray:


What dose of melatonin are you taking and do you take it regularly? My experience is that it takes a week or two for melatonin to build the hormone level it needs to be therapeutic.

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You are doing great!

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That’s a good point! It doesn’t kick in immediately.


I just started so that’s probably why , I believe it’s 2.5 mgs , I’m going to pick up some magnesium and sleepy time tea as well :slight_smile:



When I quit my all day long smoking marijuana habit (did it many times), sleep was the worst part of it. Of course the shivering first nights were awful, but even after I couldn’t get any good sleep.
I just watched movies all night or play videogames and finally get 1,2 or 3 hours of sleep at 5 or 6 Am. Took a nap after lunch.
Anyway it does get better in time.
It’s also in our heads. I mean the stress, the wonderings, anxiety…when I was in holydays in another part of the world it wasn’t that bad for exemple :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
To be honest i used to tell people I couldn’t sleep without THC in my body. Guess what, I was wrong :wink:

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Yes I use to have the same mindset , I have started CBD for pain management and my anxiety , and it’s actually helped tremendously as well as everyone’s awesome tips and advice ! Day 9 and it’s slowly getting better :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: