TW: Discussion about RTS

Hi Rosa! I shared in my opening post that walking away from my belief system allowed me to believe (or start to believe) in myself for once. It is part of my recovery story and is crucial to my sobriety (for me) to heal from all the trauma that was caused by religion. It is part of my story and I shared that link here to help let others know they’re not alone :hugs::blush::sunglasses::metal:t2:


I’m on TLC! Love it. So glad you joined. Hope to see you on zoom someday. It’s a fantastic community!

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Thank you @LeeHawk and yes I didn’t mention anything about atheism, I shared it to help others that might have experienced the same. @RosaCanDo just asked me to link it on the other thread so others could find it etc. :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Awww shit I’m sorry Jess! I know it’s too late but I changed the topic title a bit. Hope that helps??? I am glad that you’re checking it out though, you’re welcome!! :hugs::sunglasses::metal:t2:


Thank you for watching it Eric and for your thoughtful response. Love you bro :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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I’m very very proud of you @planchette its in no way easy at all :hugs::sunglasses::metal:t2: Love your username btw :grin:

Ok cool… your name just reminded me of a Ouija board reference is all, nice play on words :sunglasses::metal:t2:

Religion definitely traumatized me too!! I know a lot of people who were traumatized by religion to be honest. Thank you for this thread


You’re welcome @Scorpn! The guys video really summed up what a lot of us have gone through and experienced. I’m glad it helped :blush::sunglasses::metal:t2:

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My mother is Jehovah’s Witness… And oof the “strict Christian household” was strong with my mother… Even with all the other madness i dealt with growing up. It was always another thing to worry about.


Lol I know you were :rofl: I was just playing back. I as well sought the other side of the coin when I first walked away. Witchcraft, Demonolatry, Satanism and yet finally came to the conclusion that it’s the same trap if I believe in deities or spirits etc. I don’t ever want to get caught up in that type of thing again (believing in external sources) I’m definitely still healing, it’s a long freaking process for sure


I completely understand! I am glad you’re here and are healing @Scorpn, proud of you! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Awww thanks @mx_elle you rock too!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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No apologies needed my friend :blush: :yellow_heart: the title just hit home and this is pushing me to work through more things I have been avoiding. It’s all a necessary part of my recovery, even if it is difficult. Especially living back in my home town these days at the source of it, it’s been staring me in the face for two years but I would not see it.


Whew ok good!!! Thank you for letting me know, I’d never want to hurt you or anyone ever! I’m so freaking proud of you Jess you’re doing amazing!!! :blush::sunglasses::metal:t2:

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I know this guy, months ago I was curious about Satanism and found him. But didn’t watch this video yet bc it’s so long :sweat_smile:
Going to watch it later, he’s really good.


Yeah that’s how I had found him too :rofl: that’s awesome! Yes it’s long but really really good if you’re having a hard time like I was/am deprogramming etc. It really validated that what I was experiencing and am still am is real. Have an amazing day! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


For the record when I started what is commonly referred to as the LHP (left hand path) I researched and read sooooo much to try and make sense of things. When I walked away from Christianity there was a huge vacuum that was left in me. Demonolatry, Satanism and various archetypes along the way helped me break free from the mind fuck that was organized religion. That being said… I currently hold the belief that demonic spirits are only archetypes reflecting psychological aspects of myself/subconscious/shadow etc. I have yet to experience any real tangible evidence that they are anything else.

The act of invoking said archetypes such as Lilith and Lucifer was unbelievably groundbreaking in my ability to move past the fears that were driven into me by the bible.

Do I believe they are real??? No… but just the act of invoking them was a step forward towards being freed from the fears in my mind and were part of my healing process.

Where I’m at now is taking another step back to evaluate where I am at the moment. Believing that there is any type of outside entity that can control my life, read my thoughts is absolutely dangerous to my mental health and my recovery. I am currently a member of The Satanic Temple more so for the fact that I support what they’re doing in regards to women’s reproductive rights, sobriety without a god (sober faction) and the separation of church and state etc. but I do not identify as a Satanist per se I just agree with a lot of their values etc.

Shit that was a long ramble but I finally feel like I have a place to share this and it feels good. I hope I made sense, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


I agree to this 100%. I don’t believe that demons etc. come from another realm. We create them. Our mind is incredibly powerful and I’m sure we still don’t know what we’re able to do with it.

Furthermore I believe that humanity has to grow up and start believing in itself instead of “the God”, whatever this is. I do believe in some kind of higher power tho, our origin maybe. Don’t know, hard to explain. It’s more a feeling, less a knowing.


:dart::100: well said Sabrina!

I personally am not sure about the higher power thing but I do know that when I’m out in nature something amazing happens to me and I feel at peace with myself.