Twelve Steps

What step are you working, what’s your experience with it. I love talking about the 12 steps.we used to have a question and answer meeting.usual question was how do you get someone to stop. Never heard a question like I’m on step … can a member share there experience with step …

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I’ve been through the steps once. Currently working, albeit very slowly, on the traditions.

I think staying active is important, I’ve been in a tradition working group once but. I’ve seen people try to use traditions like weapons .I’m not the guy that’s all up in the committee or at every event for this reason,my favorite service is the kind no one knows about and sponsorship.working traditions show gives me a deeper understanding of the spiritual principles. Surrender from step one is in tradition one too and it another level of surrender

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Recently finished the steps with my sponsor and, with sponsor’s agreement, will soon be starting to co-work them again with a friend who has also been through them. we are both looking to go back and peel away more layers.


Can someone share a step they are working on or have worked. I’ll go first
My favorite step is step 4 because I’m the guy who goes against the grain, once I heard how scared of it it everyone was I got busy with the first 3 steps,step 5 for me was first experience of deep freedom. The ones who are affraid of it haven’t done it. It’s says fearless and thorough, the main principle is courage, I must look within ,so with Godshelp to remove the in unuseful stuff,resentment,shame,guilt. Also for once I feel the things I’ve ran from for so long, this time I don’t it with no mind altering substance. I see my part ,who I am and who I’m not. They I share it with god and sponsor, the ego is present and so start the ego deflating process

I’ve hear that pain is motivator,but for me after step 5 it motivator changed to freedom

6&7 that’s where I finally felt relief. Those steps are my favorite. They remind me the true purpose of my sobriety.


The 7th step is the first step that I ask god for something, if it was step 1,
I would of asked for the wrong thing

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