Two weeks and and ready to break

Today marks two weeks without a drink. For the most part it’s been ok… today I had a meeting with my bosses (the owners of the company I work for) and I just kind of told them a little “what for” … just an observation on how they are not running the business the best way. A little STRESSFUL!!

Right now more than anything I want some WINE!! To celebrate maybe, or decompress, take the edge off, I don’t know but it’s killing me today. I smoke, so I am doing that to help, but my mind is telling me it would be ok just for one day. I’ll start again tomorrow. :unamused::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::exploding_head:

Trying to remind myself why I stopped, and that I can’t just have one day of drinking because then it’s 2…4…1330… you get it.



Thank you. And I think your perspective I spot on. This is something I’ve wanted to say for a long time but was too cloudy brained to enunciate. Yay me!! Lol. Tea. Maybe chocolate. Urrrgh!!

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Hahaha!!! Yes!

Thank you again. You’re probably right. BOOM!

If you have a drink to take the edge off, your dousing the fire youve been building for the last 2 weeks. Use that edge to propel you forward.


Benedictine is right, reward yourself with something nice. Hot chocolate helps me a lot or a piece of cake :heart: You only would feel guilty after having a drink

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Those thoughts pass. It feels like torture and being deprived but it’ll go away. Go have a bowl of ice cream. Get a massage. Call a friend. Anything to ride it out. Almost everything is better than drinking.

I get in this app :slight_smile:


Thanks everyone for the help!! You’re all right, I would feel worse. I went for a ride in the car, got some weird ass tart cherry kombucha drink and some chic pea chips. I think I beat that one down… for now. One hour at a time.


I have to keep in mind that I can’t drink like “normal people”.
I have to let go of the idea that maybe one day I’ll be able to drink socially again.
It’s a grieving process, because it really feels like a terrible loss.
But once you grieve you realize how much fun you can have without it, and a brand new person you will be.
The grieving part has to happen or else you’ll be forever in denial and in a constant state of insanity convincing yourself that next time will be different.
It won’t be.
Patterns don’t change until you start doing something different.


You’re right, and I know! I’ve done it before for 6 months. It wasn’t too terrible. Lol. I just crave the feeling of numbing it all! I think oh it’s not so bad… the weekdays are fine. I’m fine no problems. But the days when it’s not fine and I am self-destructive and putting myself in jeopardy, those are the days so easily forgotten. Not to mention how tired and brain dead I felt every day after drinking every night. How convenient it is to so quickly forget. Tricky little addict brain.

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Well done! Keep the addictive behaviour at bay by mixing it up and trying new things!


Hi Becca- I get it. Today is the end of day 4 for me and I had A DAY FROM HELL at work. I almost caved. This is my first time responding to anyone. But your message rang very true for me. I’m not one to give any advice in this subject but… think how deflated you’ll feel if you drink " just this one time". Distract yourself. Do ANYTHING but pour that drink. Clean the tub, take a walk, cry. Whatever. It will pass. Please make it to three weeks. :slight_smile:


Thanks @JulyMoon!!! Just knowing all you guys are facing the same struggles and fighting them helps!! Pushing through!! You stick with it too- lookout day 5!! :wink:

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Be strong its not worth it, youll will be very upset tomm, waisted money and u will let everybody down

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