Ugh I don't know what's wrong

Yeah it could be related to your current situation. Your brain is adjusting to a new environment. So you took the place it’s used to relaxing and regenerating in, the place where it expects familiarity, and replaced it with surroundings you’re still getting used to on a subconscious level. Couple that with work stress, shorter daylight duration, and feeling sick, and it’s not surprising that your thoughts and emotions are off temporarily. I agree with the others that suggested to accept and let the emotions happen, don’t let them stress you out. You might just need a bit of time.

We’ve now concluded that penguins do have knees… but do they taste good?



Damn you can’t eat them, they’re so cute

The cutest animals always taste the best thooouuuggghhh :rofl::joy:

Why does it not surprise me that you would say something like that :rofl:

I’m actually curious lol. Wonder if it “taste like chicken”. Most birds don’t taste all that great if you ask me anyways, not enough fat on them :joy::rofl:

I would think it would taste more like baby seal than a bald eagle

Both are excellent btw😉

Honestly they probably do taste like chicken. Though there might be a noticeable difference due to having different compositions of different fat cells that is more adapted to cold weather. In humans there is a type of fat that generates more heat than other types, at the cost of increased energy consumption. Makes sense that animals could do a similar thing and taste different as a result.

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I wanna try me some bald eagle and baby seal, hell add sea turtle to that list :joy::rofl: