Ughh and I was just bragging

I posted my sober count yesterday and was so proud and bragging and such. And then later that night what do I do? Fucking relapsed. I was having some drinks at the bar (alcohol isn’t my addiction) with my ‘straight boyfriend man friend’ whom I haven’t seen in days and he tells me hes on meth. At first I was like ehhh ew I’m good. And I had an inner talk with myself saying I’ll be fine with just beer and then me and Zach can go home and cuddle. But then after a few drinks my “fuck it” vibe activated. So we went to his house with our other friend and when he was setting up the rigs and such I said nope I just can’t and pretended to be asleep on the bed as he call my name repeatedly and I ignored. But then fuck it came back and I gave it. It wasn’t even worth it at all but I did get a lot of cleaning done, not to justify it or anything. Anyways yeah soooo time to reset my meth counter.

I gave up meth 25 years ago by eating a shit ton of candy and drinking energy drinks…I had my entire wall lined with candy wrappers to show and help me overcome that addiction. I still to this day salivate thinking about the drip.

You aren’t a quitter till you stop trying.

Good luck.

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Omg that’s a great idea! I already eat nothing but junk and candy anyways and mountain dew is life.

So from experience here, I used meth back when it was still the good stuff. About 25 years ago, too @BlackdogWhitedog. I wouldn’t say I was addicted, but I used it when I got the chance. The only way I was able to stop was completely remove everyone in my life that used. I finally decided it was the nastiest shit out there and everyone who uses it was nasty as shit, too. I saw what it did to people. I saw violence, rape and thieving surrounding it. And I had to make the choice. Believe me when you choose to cut it out completely you will make it so it is no where around you. To this day, that is my line to cross. Anybody who uses meth can stay away from me and my family.

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Alcohol and any type of sobriety don’t normally work well together because well… it lowers you inhibitions and make you not sober.
Perhaps if your not addicted to alcohol then taking a break from it for a good while won’t be hard and will help you. If you can’t abstain from it perhaps you should take a look at your situation a little closer.
Good luck


I had to find something that gave me the energy that meth did :slight_smile: when you feel like you need to get high eat a few candy bars and drink some dew…it might be smart to get a gym membership to…And remember that people who don’t do dope shouldn’t kick it with people that do…the cost is to great :slight_smile:


Yeah I was already thinking about starting back working out again. Just gotta get my bills right first so I can have money for the membership. And yeah I just went to the store and got gunmie bears and some dew.


Getting clean/sober Ive found in my experience is not this straight and narrow path, it’s more like a squiggly line going up and down then way back up and way back down. And relapses suck by all means, they lower your self esteem but they can also be a wake up call when you finally realize that getting high will always be there and it will always be the same shit. For me, the guilt and shame that comes after the high is what I try to remember when I’m ready to just say fuck it. For once in my life I want to take the hard road and reap the benefits of it, because getting high is easy. Please keep your head up, keep fighting, and don’t beat yourself up. You didn’t lose your clean time, you earned that. so shake it off and get back to the grind.


If you want to stay clean you have to weave out the bad friends and bad influences you can not stay clean when you have people constantly putting it in your face. Try to do that and success will come allot easier


Relapse is a part of recovery. And we will be in recovery for the rest of our lives. Well, thats how i look at it. I was clean 2 years, and the poster child for so many things…but i relapsed. And when we relapse, its like our addiction picks up RIGHT where it left off. I now have 13 days clean from meth. I have beat myself up so bad, but i know i will be okay. Thats all i can be because i refuse to totally give up.

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The gym REALLY helps and if you cant afford that, run it off. I live beside a walking trail and that trail has been my life saver.

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Thanks y’all. I’m not too upset about it cause I know I’m just gonna get back up and keep doing good like I have been.

@ElectricHawk I know the feeling I was 8 years clean of Meth and that one time I did it 3 years ago it freaked me out and stopped again, but then started to smoke pot and it was okay for a while but that one drunk night (not my jam) I met some hot guy online and he said he was partying and I thought, fuck it it’s been a long time. Then it just progressively got worse. I would use when I met a new hot guy or guys that I knew used… BUT only with 2days off of work, then it got to the point that I was using the day before work, then at work. I’m new again. Today is day 1 but I realized that I need to just get rid of ALL my contacts and ALL the online accounts and paraphernalia. Which I just did today… I do feel a weight lifted and I feel like I’m definitely going to be able to do it this time.

Great advice to hear for me, because I’m used to beating myself up, for beating myself up on meth. Gotta stay kind to myself. Thank you

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