UPDATE! 66 days in!

So after my last post when I was 2 days sober I’m now 66 days without a drink and my secret has been:-

Gym daily x well 6 days a week

I’m amazed at the buzz and impact the gym has had in my sobriety (I’m a fitness trainer after all!), I think I’m so focussed on getting rid of my fat overhanging muffin hips the alcohol has taken a back seat, well actually it’s been chucked off a cliff!

Also can Combined with an employment tribunal which was 2 years in the making… and I go and LOSE it, what better excuse to get wasted but no, simply walked the dog around the park.

I often see new sober people asking for advice and quite simply, 1 day/second at a time AND hit the gym, self worth and liking what you see in the mirror :call_me_hand:
Lee xx


Great job on the 66days! Keep up the good work.

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Congratulations on 66 days. Today I hit 66 days myself.


Well done in my early sobriety i went to the gym and played squash, and went to meetings and it worked wish you well



Congrats on 66 days.

Here’s to another 66. By then you would have smashed past 90 days and trust me by then feeling 10x better.

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Great job! It is unbelievable how much better we feel. Keep up the good work!

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Wow great post and thank you for sharing with us here…


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Great to see you again!
Congratulations on 1255 days of freedom!!!

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