Using this for porn addiction along with Fortify

Highly recommend Fortify if you’re a sex addict (porn in my case). That along with Sober Time and finding a Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) group has been the combination that has helped the most.

Best advice I can give: don’t go it alone. Get into an in-person recovery group. Scary at first until you realize everyone in the room is just like you and ready to help you reclaim your life.


Absolutely Tom. For me, joining a group was when my recovery really started gaining momentum. I no longer felt alone, and most important, I was part of a program that helped me take definite, measurable steps to build my sober strength: my ability to live my life without the reflex to do this unhelpful habit.

Thanks for the post! It’s nice to meet you. Welcome to Talking Sober!

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