Vent session

Just finished a safe driving course for my DUI. Even tho I’m doing what I have to do, I feel like a piece of shit. I know what I did was wrong, but thankfully no one got hurt. Im not asking for sympathy. Just a dumb night and I got caught. I haven’t had a drink since that night, but after finishing that class, I just feel like a POS. Trying to remain positive, but my anxiety is high and im just sad.

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the highly negative feel of a dui is intentional. no one in their right mind would want to go through that again…

I only comment because I remember going through that clearly and what a degenerate I felt like… couldn’t look people in the eye.

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Exactly! Nice to know it’s a normal feeling, but it sucks!!!

You’ll always have some guilt inside for this my friend. It will ease with time. Be grateful that the scenario ended with you getting arrested with no other dire consequences. I was dumb enough to repeat my mistake twice. Extreme DUI in 2002 and another in 2010. But how many times did I drive and not get caught. Pretty disturbing.