Very much blunt

I need help with my mind. When I do coke I get very lustful. I fantasize about all the things I want to do or things I wish I did before. Even though it’s been two days of no alcohol or coke I’m still having urges to have sex. I fall into temptation by masturbating. I know this is blunt but I need some advice. Because I think lust is the deep root of my addiction. I’ve never really felt with it

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I’d suggest visiting a sex addiction group - there are options online and in person:

Sex addiction is very often masked by cocaine, alcohol, and other substances.

I understand this. When I was on coke it made sex seem better. Masterbation and joining a therapy group for such problems will help just don’t fall off the wagon. Keep your footing it’s gonna be an uphill battle but you can and will overcome this.