Vitamins, help please!

What are you going to do about the physical withdrawal? What medical and addiction-recovery- specific supports will you have to protect against going back to the alcohol self-medicating / relapse loop?

The relapsing is happening because you have created a physical problem. CBT is a psychological tool, not a physical tool. You need a physical, medical tool, and you need it to be more directly, specifically related to addiction recovery. (Also, you’ve tried CBT before, as you share here, and you continued relapsing. The solution you’re looking for is probably not CBT; if it were, it would have worked already.)

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I started a medication that will make me sick if I drink. I also didn’t give CBT a real try. I will be tho this time. I’m through most of the physical, its the cravings that I need to ignore


I tried medication to stop drinking too. It didn’t work for me but it has for plenty of others. I wasn’t ready/willing to put in any work so I just stopped taking it. On the other hand, I used Chantix to help me stop smoking cigarettes. It took me two rounds (only 1 relapse of a month) to stop smoking. The difference for me was I wanted to quit smoking but I didn’t want to quit drinking.

I find for me cravings stem mostly from boredom so I fill my time. I go to bed early and I don’t drink. I’ve just been stepping in the footsteps of the people with all the wisdom here. One day at a time. One hour if need be.
Each day is a victory. Celebrate making through the day with a new bedtime routine. I like to end my day by putting my phone away and reading for 30 minutes or an hour.
It takes 21 day to make/break a habit. By replacing drinking with something positive maybe in 21 days instead of returning to booze you will have found a healthy habit you enjoy.

Rehab or not you have this and can do it.

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I get this. Some of early recovery is physical but the rest is all mental. So… imagine if your kids kept pestering you to buy them _____, but you knew they shouldn’t get it. What would you say to them?

Face yourself with the same resolve and you have your answer.

Juice greens and fruits for vitamins. Most vitamins you have no clue what you’re getting

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I found it on Amazon.