Wadimg through

so today I am on to day 80!!! I’m so excited I’m getting used to this life. I know I’m at the point where I really need to start working at the WHY because I cpuld relapse at any moment not even expecting to if I dont. I told my friend it’s kind of like I feel like a kid just learning to ride a bike with training wheels. Outta control, and I either need to continua learning, or I’m going to put the wheels back on for comfort. Make sense? Another friend told me it’s like when a person starts going to church. The first few times make them feel real good, but then they realize they have to take the commitment a step further and they either stay and become a Christian (or any other religion) or they stop going. I feel like I hear from people in AA (I have nothing against it, I’ve gone to a few meetings. even have a woman willing to be my sponsor) make it seem like that’s the only way. However, being a single mom and having two jobs having the time to work the steps is very difficult and seems to stress me out more. I know the right way is whatever way works for you. But now I’m reading things such as what a dry drunk is. And I want to make sure that I don’t become that. I know all these thoughts are probably all over the place. Hopefully someone gets me LOL any advice? BTW I am so grateful for thks forum and app. You all keep me so motivated :heart::heart:


Hi. I’m only on day 10 so I won’t be able to give you any advice because I’m not where you are at (Awesome job on day 80!!). I was wondering what a dry drunk is? I’m nervous about relapsing as well and what to do as much research as possible so I know before I come to a situation that might make me slip up. :slight_smile:


Basically from what I read a dry drunk is someone who stays sober, but doesn’t really change anything. They still have the same ways as an alcoholic impulsive spending, blaming, etc. Etc. and they get on kind of a high horse. It sounds like they don’t really get down to the bottom of why they drink they just stop. OAN… I see your a woman/mom?.. I read a book called Mommy doesn’t drink here anymore, first year of sobriety. it is so good. 10 days is amazing. Keep at it. For me the more I think about it and read about it I know the easier it is to stay sober.


Yes I’m a woman and a Mommy (little boy who is 4) . One big reason I quit is because I don’t want him to grow up remembering me. as a drunk. He’s my world. I’m going to buy that book today. Thank you so much and I hope you get the advice you are looking for :slight_smile:


Ty and thats exactly what I read. Thank for your response. It is much appreciated!

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Love your outlook and congrats on 80 days. I’m a strong advocate that there is no one size fits all approach to recovery, we are all striving for the same thing( sobriety, happiness, health, fulfillment). And how we get there doesn’t have to be the same way, as long as we get there! Like you said, you have to do what makes YOU happy. Wishing you all the best with your journey :blue_heart:


This is my first time hearing someone explain being a dry drunk. Im at 38 days and kinda feel sometimes like i want to go back to it. So maybe im the same way kind of forcing it too much. Its difficult to say but I have listened to people talk about finding happiness and its really a state of mind. You can have lots of money, a good family, and nice things and still be unhappy. So what does it take to truly be grounded and happy. Continuous Improvement? Better relationships? Being more grateful? Forgiving others no matter the transgression? Overcoming fears? Pushing ourselves to live passionate lives and outside our comfort zone.

I remember every time I felt life had pushed me against a wall whether it was losing a job or whatever. Those time I really pushed myself outside my comfort zone I felt a alcohol free high that waa pretty amazing better than being drunk.