Waking up at 4am, small rant

Yeah ive read about that before. Its why the two pair so well together but also a lot mor toxic to the body

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Definitely a lot more toxic.

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Yeah it’s still interesting that i could sleep like a baby and now i can’t sleep at all. You would think it would be the other way around

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Bro. Trust me, I understand lol I would do like a 10 day run…no sleep, at all. Then sleep for like 3 or 4 days. Now I need to take a sleep aid because my sleep is still all messed up. 5 years later


Lol i never stayed up for days on end. Well at least not recently back when i did. Last year i quit everything for 6 months and before that attempt was doing a shit ton like 2-3 eightballs a week but the last 6 months i was was scared to go back to that point and was stretching a half a gram over 2-3 weeks.

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Also that last time i quit this time last year my sleep wasn’t as bad but i was on my feet ask day long on top of going to the gym. Right now haven’t been as active plus its still early on. Other than the sleep though this time has felt much easier

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I absolutely can’t operate on less than 7 hours of sleep. Like I’m in a complete fog and exhausted. I’ve had a sleep study and it confirmed that but never found a cause. They tried to give me a stimulant but it makes me wired and tired, one time I got so exhausted after I threw up.

BUT my body doesn’t just automatically sleep. I often wake up too early. I can’t nap. Have to take trazodone which is great but otherwise I just lay there even if exhausted.

It’s sort of ruined me, and probably related to all the drinking I did. Dr has no idea what it is. Psychiatrist thought I was fine too.

What a life. I get the usual don’t use screens blah blah. I’ve done everything. lol rant over…


:sweat_smile: coke? I would do a quad (7grams) in like 2 days. Sometimes one day if I wasn’t drinking. But on tweak. An 8 ball would last me a day or two, at my worst. Sometimes I would smoke and go to sleep.

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Hey, Does trazadone give you nightmares? I use to love those vivid dreams. They took me off of that real quick. After I confessed to enjoying sleep paralysis. :sweat_smile:


Yes coke. Ive never done meth.

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Thats a smart choice. Please keep it that way.

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Never done trazadone but the vivid dreams from thc withdrawals are interesting. They always seem to hit in my psyche but project that on other people i know in wierd ways.

Oh i intend too. Really probably going to regret all the coke I’ve done in a few years. Heart disease runs on my dad’s side. Also diabetes in both sides. Really hoping with the new job i can get health insurance age go to a doctor

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It’s not real sleep when you’re drunk it’s more like passing out. So even tho you’re getting fewer hours in total it’s of a higher quality and better for your body than the passing out pissed version.

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You could also try upping your physical activity, take on an extra bit of exercise to tire yourself out.

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Miraculous things WILL happen, but they take time and work. The first 90 days especially almost don’t feel worth it. Just keep going and they do. But also your problems won’t magically disappear, you have to fill that void with positive coping skills, hobbies, self improvement, etc.

This happened to me too, same time too.

It eventually went away. I chalked it up to withdrawals.

I always say, the worst sober sleep is 10 times better than the best drunk sleep.