Waking up sober on the weekends

Weekend at night is always hard. Thats when friends go out and drink, and I’m staying home avoiding alcohol. But in return, one of the best feelings is waking up sober on the weekends! Not hungover, feeling rested and ready to do things on the weekend, instead of staying in and nursing a hangover!


I second that! Got up early this morning and had coffee with my husband before work and was up before the kids. Made breakfast instead of plopping them down with cereal and laying back in bed for a few. I feel well rested and ready to tackle the day rather than sluggish and tackling myself haha.


This is my 2nd day sober and I’m feeling pretty great right now!. I hope I can keep up the positive attitude


I have 4 days and currently in my 5th. I noticed as the week is passing I’m seeing positive results and im looking at that instead of getting stuck in the negative. Talking to people on this app has helped tons and has allowed me to check in regularly whenever I have time on my phone. Congrats on 2 days!


Congrats it is a great feeling, keep it on your mind, for me it help me tons, when I have cravings I only need to remember the flavor of my mouth, the headache and nausea, almost the cravings goes on almost immediately.

Good job, the first coffee in the morning is almost like get drunk.

It is a good motivation, enjoying a morning coffee.


You can! First 48 are the hardest, next milestone is 2 weeks, but everyday gets better


Keep up the good work. My first 2 weeks I was on here constantly. Now I’m past a month and looking toward the 2nd month