Waking up to Sobriety

I’m on day 18 no booze :slight_smile: every single day I have craved and sometimes even cried, but every morning I wake up and knowing I didn’t drink the day before feels so good. The voice telling me all the ‘good’ things about drinking is still there but I paint, exercise, meditate or bathe my way through it. I learned that when we have repetive thoughts we build neuro connections in the brain that actually calcify. This means even when we try to change our thought process our mind naturally tries to send us down that calcified river of thought regardless. By actively changing how we feel about that thought ie, catching the moment I think ‘I want a drink’ and rethinking ‘I don’t want to drink’ we can break down that calcification and create new neural paths . I live in hope my brain is doing its job and I’ll do my best to help it. I don’t need a drink. I dont want a drink. I’m doing just great without a drink . Aye.


That’s changing your mindset my friend. Well done! Just keep doing what you are doing. You are early days but they do say that it takes 20 days to form new habits.
Whether that’s all connected with these workings in the brain I don’t have the foggiest, but one would assume that it is.
For me, if I remember rightly, by halfway through the second month, it was less of a battlefield in my head.
Well done on the 18 days.
Stay strong :grinning:


Thank you :crazy_face:

You’re a week ahead of me in your sober journey. I’m proud of you! Keep up the good work. I see your paintings in the “Show Your Artist Within You” thread. The amount of talent you have is amazing. Thank you for sharing that with us. I too like to bring my positive vibes around here. When we all support I feel it makes this forum a better place. Keep rockin’ it friend. :muscle:

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:grin::grin: thank you for the positivity :grin: it really does help remind me to keep on track.
This is a great space to inspire and get inspired!!
Keep rockin it too mate :+1:t2: