Walking a thin line

My names Rob. I’m not very comfortable posting on here, so please bare with me. I drank for 16 years, I’m now 34. I had my last drink 1030 days ago. (Feb 19 2014)
This time of year has always been hard on me, as I’m sure it is on others. I have three daughters. Two that I haven’t been able to spend a holiday with ever. I’m walking a thin line right now between Sobriety and relapse. My mental state is horrible, my depressionis taking over, my anxiety is through the roof. When I have a bad day or bad few days, so many people jump right in and ask “how long have you been drinking again?” I HAVENT! IM JUST FEELING! I am broken through and through, losing hope. Feeling like no matter how hard I work, my past will not be forgotten and I’ll spend my life being forced to relive it through others words. My fiance broke up with me a month ago to top it off. I have NEVER been through relationship issues sober. Idk why I’m posting this I’m just out of hope I guess. I’m three hours from family…I post thing on facebook about a fart joke and get 50 likes and multiple comments. I post about needing someone to help me and that I’m struggling and it’s like it was never posted, no one cares. Any advice, or ideas on maybe something that helps someone else cope would be appreciated. I’m fighting, I just don’t know how much I have left. Thank you. God Bless you all.


Hang in there. One day at a time…right? You’ve made it so far…it may seem like too much to take, but you’ll look back and be glad you continued your sobriety… xoxo

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