Walking around in a haze/ PAW

Anyone else feel like some days your in a weird dream or haze ? Like like there ? Existing … waiting to feel normal .
Ps 101 days narcotic free :raised_hands:t3:


Yes (10 characters)

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I feel that way all the time, like I’m not fully connected to my body. It’s unsettling. I believe it’s my mind trying to heal some. Even the light seems off.


You just described my entire life. If I ever discover normal I’ll send it your way.

Yes, I just have to tell myself to ride the wave!! It comes and goes!

Yeah man I feel heavy as shit and I’m moving about trying to get stuff done sometimes I’ve walked into another room without paying attention. Kind of can’t focus. I look through people and things not at them. I could stare at a clock and Not see the time. When I was last clean for a few months the PAWS still had me. Not. Paying attention at all just really inside myself.

Don’t do drugs haha

I get that like I’m almost looking through a TV screen at things and people going by but I’m barely making an effort to be in control.

You may find this thread helpful as well…

PAWS (post-acute-withdrawal-symptoms) what are your stories or experiences

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Yeah I spent a couple of months wandering around like that. All over the place I was.
Then one day I was walking around at work and I literally stopped and thought. " Mmm, the veil has lifted!"


Yes I feel like this all the time

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Yes omg !!

Gosh when do we feel better !?

I’d say it was at least 2 months before I was what I considered to be clear headed.

That’s awesome ! Some days I feel great … others super tired anxiety and headaches

Yeah, that’s about right.
Basically I just took everything that was happening to me, both physically and mentally as being part of the process. Still do to a degree, though I know now that I’m probably over the worst of it.
But yeah, early days, especially the first 6 months however I felt, I put down to my recovery.
Our bodies have to adjust to us not putting all the toxic crap into it.
It takes time.
Go with it and look after yourself.
Take time for yourself. I was told that the process is life-changing, and it certainly is. We have to change how we think of things, do things sometimes even bigger parts of our lives

Do u have the spacey/ racing heads unorganized thoughts too? Yes I thought by now I’d be past it the more I research I still have a ways to go … especially by the way stuff is ingested and length of use etc . Thanks! @anon12657779

Yep, not all the time but some days my brain feels like mashed potato :potato: and I’m zone out completely.

@BJM I’m glad I’m not alone. Most days it’s a headgame and battle of the brain :tired_face::tired_face: like I know to stay sober … it’s a conscious easy decision but the other part of the brain is like oh… but you could feel normal ! F that !! I’ll just wait the course… one day @ a time ! Good luck to u !