Wanted to drink but didn't

Had a terrible day at work and really wanted to drink. I resisted knowing I feel better and more clear headed when I’m not hung over. I have an interview for a better position next week and I really want it to get away from my toxic supervisor. I’m going to take this weekend to study interview questions and prepare myself to be the best I can be. If I don’t get it at least I know I didn’t half ass it and throw it away by drinking my feelings.


Good job. It’s great when those victories keep piling up. It makes us stronger.
Congratulations another ODAAT

Awesome self control! And you seem focused on positive change - that’s great. How many days are you?

I’ve gone 4 years in the past, but thought I could drink again. Realizing I’m better without and it’s creeping up to too much again. Only 3 days so far. Went for a long stretch when I signed up for this app, but was feeling good so I drank again. It’s hardest for me in social situations, honestly. Seems like everything revolves around drinking. I don’t prefer AA because of the God stuff, so I do it on my own. Considering getting a therapist soon.


Yay! Another acconplishment! Try to find some sober friends.

One thing ive learned its hard to do it alone, just find what works for u and keep on working it. AA Isnt for everyone, just dont drink a friend of mine told me once.:grinning: you deserve the best just keep on working towards the better position.

Congrats on resisting the temptation!