Was clean almost year, now i'v been on one for a few now. Need help getting back

Was doing really good, have a place nice car. Sliped 2 times before this one but then it was just me. Now my gf of 8 years, took off on me then came back with it. Been going for two - three days, part of me wants us to ride this out till prison. But then i cant wait till i fall asleep. And its behind me, i fell like keep going. I miss this, but i dont. Anyone got anythings to say about anything, just asking for ur honest opion please. Thanks for ur time guy


Make the decision if you really do miss it after some sleep man. You will at the least have a clearer head. No matter what we will support you here man. Just get some sleep and we can all talk tomorrow:)

Heya. You’ve popped in here because you know deep down what you wanna do. We are here for you when you are ready.

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Hows it going bud, if u got time hit me back