We need to laugh. Make it happen

Omg, this is awesome!

I laugh so hard when i see that…the hand on the little girls shoulder cannot belong to the other person…litterally lmao here

I’m going to have nightmares

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Sweet, i have more pictures that are creepy/funny.

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To me they looked like low budget aliens from the original stat trek show lol

So my dog… and my cat-dog!!


My cat does that when i have a water glass, food he doesnt bother me.

Hahaha exactly!

My female, she will lick water out of your glass with her paw if left unattended. Otherwise she just whines to have you watch her eat in the bathroom. My boy coon cat is crazy. He headbutts my legs if I’m making anything with seafood, especially tuna. Most meats he will do that with too. This was a new one, he literally licked the side of the container when I was taking a picture of this lovely new dessert discovery!

My cat will sit on the bathroom counter, scream at the top of his little lungs, until you turn the water on. Which isnt horrible, until he does it at 3am…and if i forget to turn the light on, the screaming only gets worse. Such a drama queen

Bahaha!!! My cats don’t do that. My dog however drinks from the tub when I get out of the shower. He doesn’t bitch or demand it tho lol

I even have to turn the light on during the day.

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The last time my ex came to see me. She spent the night. The next morning my cat peed on her a little. A piece of me hopes it was payback for all the turmoil.
Fun fact: current gf slept here a few times. Hasn’t happened once to her lol

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That’s a great sign. And freaking hilarious! Omg, I can’t believe I forgot to share this, saw it last night and had to save it to share on here.


Hahahahahah…the third one! Omg

Lmao that is pure gold

Butt nuggets made think of you but I laughed SO damn hard at number 3! That’s the one I would totally buy

Farm fresh buttnugget will be my new tag when i need more characters

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I had a Maine Coon when I was a kid. Only cat I’ve ever had. Loved that girl.


They are pretty amazing! He’s my first, he’s like a dog. I love him!