Wedding: Open Bar

I made it to 9 days sober before I indulged in alcohol. Which I am pretty proud of myself. This was my first concious attempt at sobriety.
Last night I couldn’t resist the Open Bar at my friend’s Wedding. At first the Vodka/Cranberry made my tummy upset but it all came flooding back. I started ordering two at a time and I eventually lost count.
So depite getting intoxicated, it was a good reminder that I can’t simply just have a single drink. That I don’t have my limits yet and it’s best if I stayed away from alcohol in general.
My first relapse on my journey, not a major detour but a good lesson.


I always said, I know my limits, and exceed them regularly.

One is never, never enough for me, especially if I’m stressing.

Milk is a great substitute. Every time I order it, the server looks at me like I have a third eye in my forehead, and then it takes a while for it to come out. I’m pretty sure the bartender has to check their recipes on how to pour a straight milk. It’s not like you don’t use milk in drinks or serve it to kids. It’s just a baffle for them to pour straight milk into an adult cup and walk it to the table.

Same with orange juice, another great substitute, or a half-and-half orange-cranberry, which is a perfect sub for your vodka-cran.

  • Saul

I also went to a wedding last night with an open bar cocktail hour… :expressionless: I made it; just ordered soda water with cranberry and lime… Keep your chin up and keep plowing thru; in July I succumbed to the urge at my nephews wedding and struggled up till 19 days ago. Don’t beat yourself up. Focus on your accomplishments and move forward-we All have been where you are right now.


:joy:thats awesome. I order shirley temples or just sprite . Whatever Im drinking is an adult drink is my opinion.( though I look rather young so they probably think its because Im not old enough lol)

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Its good to be reminded, just glad you are safe as a binge drinker its like playing russian roulette …you never know what could happen or when it could be your last night.
Get back on the journey you got this.