Weed for alchohol recovery?

For the last couple years I smoked it would lead to crippling panic attacks. I think all the other drugs I was doing contributed to that but it just got to the point weed was one of the worst things for me to do, but I still couldn’t just stop. Eventually my heroin and crack use got so expensive that buying weed was phssed out.

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And still the point of the forum is sobriety, I thought regardless of program.

I’m not sure what the further value of discussing unprescribed, mind-altering substances is… And prescriptions are between a person and their doctor.




For what it’s worth I’ve got a very similar story to your relapse and it’s insidious as hell. Especially when you know one drug works better for you than alcohol which… You may not like as much so why not do the one that helps. Blah blah it’s all lies you tell yourself.

Certainly OP you know yourself better than anyone and I don’t think folks are trying to beat you over the head. We just recognize the thought processes in our own addictions.

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So replacing a drug for another (alcohol is a drug) is just maskarading your addiction. And you may not feel the urge for weed now but there is a high chance that you may, if you’re doing it just to get cleared off alcohol.

Best way is to keep yourself clean. Some people may smoke weed and don’t feel addicted to it, some people drink alcohol and are not adicts, some even do coke and get along with their lives. But once you realize you’re an addict you better take it serious and keep it sober.

The way I keep myself clean is going to meetings, sharing, having a sponsor plus medical treatment and therapy. Maybe you could give these alternatives a try.


I have spoken with Robin in the past about moderation / other substance use discussions. While TS is focused on sobriety and recovery, he encourages the conversation. I had hoped for a new category for some of these discussions, opt in kind of thing, but to no avail.

We can always mute the thread if we find it a dead horse or bothersome.

I have considered moving it to Seeking Help, and would value any feedback on that.


I appreciate your thoughtful reply…thank you for sharing.


Literally just snorted/laughed at this! You can really crack me up sometimes. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


So if I call Brad a doofus my post gets flagged but if I talk about marijuana or mushrooms the post is allowed to grow and flourish?


I don’t make the flags, other people here do. And yes, civil discussion is encouraged, while name calling is against the rules.


The last time I smoked weed, Ronald Reagan was in his first term. I drank from 18-22, was sober from then till age 30, drank from 30 to age 52.

I have been sober for 2 years now. If they legalized weed in my state tomorrow, I wouldn’t touch it. Knowing me, I know I’d like it too much, and would likely end up addicted.

I enjoy being sober.


I think you’ve asked a very reasonable question here. Personally that would never work for me as an alcoholic. People can say it’s okay to smoke weed, but they’re just opining. Of course the decision is entirely yours but I wouldn’t try experimenting with something as valuable as your sobriety. Congratulations on your progress buddy!


Solid advice. Abstinence is the only sure bet.


My dad was an alcoholic. While he was on the wagon, on Antabuse, he was still plagued with with issues, as an army veteran, in addition to shakes from nerve damage due to gas exposure, aging etc. He thought he’d try it. I was nervous he’d get hooked like booze. Through the guidance of a business that helps vets with medical marijuana, (also legal in my country here now), dad tried it. Started low & slow. He ended up in the hospital, likely with what sounds like panic attack. He felt like he was having a heart attack again he said. He said if that’s what it feels like to use it, he wants nothing to do with it. It was an awful experience and I remember that call from the hospital. So, you see, it affects everyone differently. I’m not against it; I’ve used oil for sleep, but I can’t say I enjoyed the feeling. However, I don’t think it’s for everyone. Definitely has its risks. It’s not just an innocent natural plant that makes everyone happy.


Thank you, I appreciate the feedback. Have a great day.:call_me_hand::metal::grinning:

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Cool okay thank you, much appreciated.

Thank you for the feedback, I appreciate it.

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This resonates well with me. I use weed for sleep aswell and have been having a hard time with it

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I know this is an old post that’s been bumped and while everyone is welcome to continue the conversation, I would encourage anyone who would like to participate to have a quick refresh of the forum rules before jumping in :pray: :sparkling_heart:

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There’s different recovery programs for different addictions. We are all different. I agree with you, if cannabis can help in someway, then use it. I’ve been smoking cannabis off & on for over 40 years and I’ve never done anything harder except alcohol. Weed is not a gateway drug for me. I’m living proof.

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