Weed withdrawals - Steven again

Hi guys it’s Steven again,

I’ve quit weed since 3 months from now, I got over from all of the cravings and mood swings and depression. What I got recently is constant anxiety specially before falling to sleep, also sometimes I got feeling of detaching from reality and got confused if I’m on reality or an illusion. Is this normal? And has anyone went through this feeling before? Note that I was too heavy user.

For the sleep the best method i have found is the one used by the US Navy. Ive tried many different breathing/meditation exercises but the one used by the Navy seems to be most effective for me. If your interested in learning the technique feel free to message me or just google it im sure it will explain the method. Hope this helps.

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Appreciated :white_heart:

Steven, well done on 3 months! I was a heavy user for 20 years, most of which was daily, all day. Took me about 6 months to feel somewhere around ‘normal’ before going to sleep, so sounds totally normal to me at least anyway. Keep at it, give it more time. I’m around 7 years sober from weed.