There it is, the weekend… my first weekend without alcohol. In my house, other people drink and usually I’m having the same group of friends over or hang outside with a beer every weekend (or weekday even…). I know they expect the same today and I know it’s going to be tempting.
My husband asked me if it was ok to have a beer around me (which was nice to ask, thanks hubs). I told him I wasn’t sure but for now I’d say yes, I dont want to restrict him of anything. I just have to remind myself of all the times I made a fool out of myself or did and said things I regret or woke up the next day covered in bruises and had no memory of what happened. Maybe I can have the same fun sober? Maybe I just skip this party weekend and just watch Netflix and cuddle with my dogs.
What are your experiences? Do you feel like you can have fun when your friends are drinking and you’re not?