Weekends are always difficult no matter how well I’ve done during the week or how much stable progress I’ve managed to make. Drinking is ALWAYS around me and even though I can still look at alcohol as an abusive ex, it’s hard to watch everyone else around me relaxed and full of merriment. Although I’m doing the mental work that goes along with sobriety and changing my thinking habits instead of just focusing on my drinking habits, I don’t trust my strong willed, justifying, fickly head so I’m creating an SOS six pack for this weekends festivities.
What do you have on hand to deter you from drinking or using your DOC when the unexpected overwhelming craving comes up?
My six pack includes:
Kava tincture
Essential Oils
Apple Cider Vinegar water
Crochet stuff (I know, sounds silly, but it keeps my fidgeting fingers busy and I’ve made some kick @ss beanies)
this app with all of you <3 (and your all going to the beach!)
my ‘inspiration notebook’ (from the moment @OliverJava complimented on one of my posts it made me feel something I haven’t felt in a long time, if ever… purpose. Since then, I’ve copied all of the inspirational comments and encouragement from all of you and put it in a small notebook I keep on me. When the thought even enters into my mind, I take out the book and read your comments and remember that this journey I share with all of you is far more meaningful than the self destructive path I walked alone. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Have a wonderful and soberly inspiring weekend everyone.
HA! My goal for my 30 day anniversary is to take my boys on a roadtrip around the island! Just the four of us. I think I may make it a 30 day tradition… so many possibilities
I love this idea, and I love that u journal the postive comments. I’m getting a journal today because I want to start doing this and I’ve heard writing down your thoughts and feelings is therapeutic in recovery. Thanks for the great tip @Naturehippy
I try to use all my senses for things that I want to truly stick and to create new pathways in my addictive and obsessive brain.
Also try to pick up an essential oil that you love. Whenever your feeling accomplished and positive wear it. Then when your having a craving, smell the oil and it will trigger all these positive FEELINGS !
That’s a really good idea about the essential oil, I’m so going to do that, thanks! When I quit smoking using Paul McKenna, he made you associate the smell with negative things and it worked well so I love the thought of doing it on a positive level.
Lol basically same as @Oliverjava
Pocket buddah for emergencies,
Art stuff mostly pens I’m obsessed with them, good sketch book <3
TS app on phone to talk to yall
Books, I love reading and strengthening the mind and learning new things now that I’m sober for good! When I was drinking full time I would never read. I forgot I even cared about it. I can’t wait to get to the beach
I am supposed to go to a Christmas party where there will definitely be drinking- I’m the only one in my friend circle that has identified heavy drinking as an issue. All of your ideas are increasing my confidence in staying true to my goal of clarity.
So I’m gonna be walking around this party, smelling like lavendar, armed with your posts in my pocket. Righteous, ty guys!
@jbj@Elisabeth lol- its basically just a great overall detoxify and body balancer. I am trying to promote wellness within and not just ‘abstinence’. I’ve done that before and felt like I was missing out when all my friends were indulging. This way when I sip on my apple cider vinegar and raw honey I feel like Im being healthy and counteracting all the damage that I’ve caused myself