Well, first week update

Well, I am one week down sober. It has not been easy at all but I am shocked that I’ve made it through the times that I thought I would cave in. The other day was the hardest. The wife had a later shift at work and I ended up leaving work a bit early to head home (I make my own work schedule with my job). Usually this is the time I would buy a couple of 12% alcohol four locos and a small bottle of whiskey to pass the time. I was so fucking scared to be alone but I kept the mindset that I just needed to survive till she got home. I reread my daily readings NA, daily reflections, and a story in AA big book. It helps alot to read when I wake up and when I get home, then take an inventory of myself and stay busy. I ended up cleaning the house at a slow calm pace, pre make a healthy breakfast and lunch for the next day and refuse to leave the house because the corner store would be way to tempting. It felt good to be prepared for the next day with a plan and an understanding that its ok if it doesn’t go the way I think it should. My sleep is getting better, headaches are going away and starting to feel good. Just can’t let myself get complacent so I think im gonna go to AA meeting this weekend.


I’m one week in also! I’ve found that keeping busy with commitments that shouldn’t allow drinking have made the week a little easier. I still need to make it through this weekend but I have confidence that I can do this. I’m hoping my headaches go away soon. my Mantra right now is I will do this no matter what. congratulations on your week and stay strong.

Glad to hear someone’s right where I am. My headaches are just starting to go away. I agree that the weekend will be hard. Stay busy and strong

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Congratulations! I am working on day 9, and loving that the headaches are gone. Keep up the good work!

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Yay! Good job! I’m 7 days clear too. I survived the weekend! This app sure helped…don’t think I would have done it without it to be honest.


Im one week and a day…its harder than i thought…especially on the weekend… But i feel better more and more everyday…But Im glad your progressing god bless

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Like you I stayed busy too…to stay focused especially for the weekend

@kyleL way to go! That’s the way to use the tools of the program, That’s How it works! I’m also in AA and it has saved my life! 222 days today and no looking back. Today I was really squirrelly, went and played racquetball, 4 mile bike ride, then hubbie and I went to some AA friends house and played cards and games for 4 hours after meeting up for pizza. Life is good even when it doesn’t feel so good, as long as we stay sober! Keep fighting the good fight! Stay strong, stay sober, stay connected🌹

Great job and hard work on your part. You did it! I am 8 days sober.

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