Wellness Topic Anyone?

I noticed there isn’t a wellness thread or topic on this forum and would like to start one for anyone who wants to discuss anything “wellness” related. We all seem to be pursuing it one way or another on a daily basis. I always love hearing what people do or take for certain conditions (i.e. dealing with withdraw, stress, illness, sleep, poor immune system…) that’s more on the natural side. This can be for yourself, family or kiddos.


I really like this idea, thanks!

What I do to take care of myself, that comes to mind: Multivitamin and fish oil every day. Skin moisturizer every day. Melatonin (low dose, 3-5mg) at night for enhanced sleep. Minimal to no processed foods. Listen to what my body is telling me. Exercise every day, but if you need a rest day - take it. I am also getting better at “taking it easy” and not stressing out as much. It actually feels wonderful now that it’s starting to work.

And now stuff I know I should do for wellness, but I need to get better at sticking to: read, stretch, meditate.

That about does it for me :slight_smile:


I’ll start be recommending this :point_up_2:It costs about $25-$30 depending on where you buy it. It’s organic, vegan :seedling: and packed with nutrients, probiotics and enzymes that help important organs (liver, pancreas, GI system). I don’t take it every day and sometimes will take a break from it, but another perk is it gives you a mental and physical boost.


Hi I’m only on day 10 but have been feeling achy and flu like. I’ve let my body rest not forcing myself to do too much and I started taking magnesium supplements and vitamin B complex. I’m hoping to see improvements soon. Been reading a lot and going to bed early with lavender oil on my pillows. Was eating a lot of sugary food as body was craving it but I’m trying to cut back now and eat loads of raw veg in salads and food with healthy oils etc. It’s a work in progress


Fish oil is something I need to start taking again! Thanks for reminding me. I alternate multivitamins and a b-complex in the mornings, depending on how I feel. I’ll take a magnesium in the evenings, when I feel the most stressed out- helps with sleep too. Melatonin does help me with sleep, but gives me weird dreams. Sleep is more important though and mine is screwed up with night shift, so it’s something I have to take everyday (usually 10 mg).

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@adeygaga49 sounds like you’re on the right track! Up until yesterday I indulged in whatever cravings. Definitely ate less and healthier while drinking, probably bc alcohol was secretly handling my sugar cravings. Once you reach a certain point of alcoholism you appetite drops too :-/ Craving sugar like crazy already today. I’ve read apple cider vinegar helps with this and appetite- going to start drinking this everyday before bed.

I’m hoping the sugar craving eases soon I also ate less whole drinking but I know which is the better option I can sort my diet out a bit at a time. I didn’t know they about apple cider vinegar I have some so must try that thank you :blush:

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Definitely! Anything is better than drinking that’s for sure.


Like this thread lots.

Here are a few things I try to do on a regular basis:

  • Take multi vitamins and minerals every day
  • Draw most days
  • Take longs baths
  • Watch something funny on TV and laugh out loud!
  • Eat mindfully and really taste what I’m eating
  • Read a book
  • My famous face routine! Face masks, moisturiser, etc
  • Say ‘no’ sometimes

When you quit an addiction like alcohol, you will find you have much more free time. Do simple things. Go for a walk in the park. Try a new recipe in your kitchen. Enjoy the sights sounds and smells. The world really is amazing. You will be amazed at what you have been missing!


Love this sarah yes I’ve been attempting most of those too. Self care must come first

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I am a 52 year-old retired Marine, who works in out-side sales, spending most of the day sitting at a computer, sitting in a car, and sitting in front of customers.

In November 2016, I ended up in the hospital for vertigo. I thought I was having a heart-attack. They never figured out what caused the vertigo, but they said I was “borderline hypertensive and had high cholesterol”. Doctor wanted to put me on a full regimen of “old guy meds” for BP, Cholesterol, Heart, etc. I refused. I told him to give me some time to do it with diet and exercise.

I work out daily. I train like a fighter. Lot’s of bag work, strength (kettlebells and body weight), running, skipping rope, agility work.

I am a student of martial arts. I attend Krav Maga and Kick Boxing classes 3-4 nights a week, and BJJ class once per week.

I eat pretty clean, If I have grain, it’s whole grain. I eat a lot of eggs, fish, and nuts for protein. Meat only twice a week. Lots of fruits and veggies. I grow most of what I eat in all seasons except winter. Between diet and exercise, I’ve lost 32 pounds, and am 15 pounds away from my 1998 discharge weight.

I don’t take any medications, even OTC meds. I take Turmeric daily, as a preventative, and to treat pain, ice if the pain is accute. I use a Neti pot daily for congestion, and allergies. I am a frequent hand washer, don’t rub my eyes, eat, or put my fingers in my mouth, without cleaning them first.

Vitamins and supplements: I take a high quality multi-vitamin formulated for men over 50, krill oil, saw palmetto glucosimine and Chondriton, I also drink a branch-chain amino, and liquid colloidal minerals, every day.

My last physical everything was in the normal range. Resting heart-rate of 43 beats per minute.


My wife uses this same product. She had me try it. I couldn’t get past the grassy taste, even when I mixed it with something. Glad it works for you. Probably work great for me, if they could just make it taste better.

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That’s incredible! It’s evident that diet goes hand in hand with health and well being. Can I ask what you do for headaches? lol

I switched to this one, bc the last one (can’t remember the name of it) tasted like toothpaste. To each his own.

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I take Turmeric (Curcumin) . I haven’t had a single headache since I started taking it.


I love this…because wellness is so much more than just diet and vitamins etc. We need to take care of our mental health too. Even if it is just a long bath and saying “no”!!


Definitely Sue. Mental Health is a big issue and there is such a delicate fine line between being mentally healthy and mentally unwell and it is not spoken about enough

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I don’t know that I do anything in particular. Or at least nothing regular. But I do have things that I can do when I’m in need of some wellness.

  1. take my vitamins
  2. go to bed early
  3. exercise (not trying to be an athlete, but making sure my body can still work)
  4. draw
  5. practice my guitar (FINALLY signed up for lessons!!)
  6. take a long bath with plinky music and candles

Which is why I study martial arts, rather than just hitting the gym. I used to swim and bike. Both good, but the mental focus required in martial arts, the applications of ideas such as “balance” to other aspects of life, have really helped me find a peace that has alluded me for many years. I appreciate the “Zen” aspects of it, even as a committed Christian.