What am I feeling?

3 weeks. Which is a person best. I haven’t gone without booze this long since I was a teenager.
I’m over the moon at how optimistic I feel
However. I’m feeling emotions so strongly, deeply and its shaking my world. Dealing with all these emotions is making me dizzy
Has anyone felt this? And how did you deal with it? Any suggestions??


Ah yes. Those feelings that we swept under the rug with the broom of alcohol only to find that just because we put the broom away the mess is still there, just brilliantly concealed. Suppressed feelings are just that, suppressed. They are a frequency that continue to emit waves until we process them.

For me, when I stop drinking, these feelings always resurface first in the form of dreams, then in agitation, then in hurt, and on and on until I process them sufficiently enough for them to go away. Like I read on my first or second day here on this forum, “if you can feel it, you can heal it”…
My suggestion is ‘feel it’, acknowalge it as a part of you. Validate yourself. Question yourself as to why. Your feelings are a symptom of why we self medicate. Address the symptom and try and heal the wound. Hug yourself. Breakthrough the barrier and truly love yourself.


I am so thankful I am not alone in this. I had a conversation with my dog last night (he is seriously my best friend) but I admitted I was scared. That I was so sorry for all the thing I have done in the past to the people I love and even the ones I do not. I ended up crying, all while my dog was just staring me in the face. Like he saw the good (as he always had with me) it made me feel good to release the pain Iv been holding.
But I’m so damn scared. Iv been holding these feelings for so long and they are begging to come out. Ugh.
It feels so good to feel but it’s just so overwhelming ya know?


Talking to your dog is a great idea! I’m totally going to steal that! I have three so maybe between all of them they can handle my 18 years worth of pent up feelings :joy:


I had been scared to stop drinking for months/years because I had read how awful the withdrawal symptoms are. But in the end they weren’t so bad. But the emotional symptoms are worse. First nightmares, then anxiety, paranoia, depression…it’s overwhelming. But I think OP is right, we’ve been suppressing for so long it is now time for it all to be worked through. I have hope it will eventually work out.

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Now that’s a face I can talk to !!! :smile:

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He doesn’t say much, but he’s a really good listener! That boy is 8 months old and 80lbs! I most likely couldn’t afford to feed him and my addictions anyway so its just as well. lol

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