What are you grateful for 2016

I know that many of us can’t remember or would like to forget the majority of 2016… but I thought to practice changing our perspective we could all share one negative we turned into a positive from the past 12 months. Everything is connected and rarely is something truly ‘good or bad’ but in how we label it as such.

I’ll state the obvious that all of my drunken shenanigans has led me here to all of you. I’ve spent almost as much time within the pages of these forums than I do thinking about drinking… I am grateful for you all!


Im greatful for the business we were given by my in laws because even though its hard its whats getting us by.
Im greatful for my husband we got married in the beginning of this year and it was beautiful.He is such a wonderful man.
Im greatful for moving back to california last december and enjoying all the family time Ive gotten back this year.
Im greatful for you guys because I never knew I could stay sober or how to, until I found this app. You guys help me through some of my darkest times.I never would have gotten 108 days sober and even though I spent the last month relapsing back and forth I still have learned that if rather be sober because there are far better rewards than drinking could ever give me.
&now Im a week sober again.


Im thankful for a church I started going to recently and a job that is much lower stress. This app and other channels on youtube like Alcohol Mastery have helped me alot and Im very thankful for those resources. My family and friends have also been huge when it came to certain hard times.

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I am grateful for my health these past 148 days. I am thankful that God brought me to a crossroads where i realized my need to quit drinking and swallowed my pride and asked.for help.

I am thankful for my church family while they knew i was in the hospjtal but didnt pry and let me have some dignity but surrounded me in prayer love and support

I am very grateful for my husband who has been supportive and encouraging. He even had our favorite pizza place save his leftovers while he came and visited me at the hospital so when i came home the following day i had a slice of my favorite pizza. He encourages me daily and likes the new Marsha. He loves me so much and i am working to be a better sober happy wife.

I am grateful for you all! You have helped me gain perspective and live sober bravely. Wishing you all a safe and sober NYE and a very happy sober 2017.