What are you thankful for?

Its almost Thanksgiving guys. I’m blessed for so much this year. Sobriety, family, as and above all my higher power for not giving up one even when I give up on myself and him. What are your blessings this your? What has you feeling thankful???..

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I’m thankful for the support I get everyday. Sobriety is challenging, but having support definitely helps.

Me too are thankfull for all the support from my group, this forum , my family .my true higher power . We are sure blessed by one more chance to have the power to choose a better and happier life .

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I am thankful to know that God loves me just the way I am. And that he loves me so much that He won’t allow me to stay this way.

I am thankful for a loving wife, loving beautiful children, a wonderful family, and a great community.

And I am thankful for all of you. Your Awesome. I admire your bravery and you’re courage. We all know we are stronger together. To fight in the trenches of life are much easier when you’re not alone. So thank you.

God is found in Communion. Communion with Him and with others. Have a beautiful Thanksgiving.

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I am thankful for another chance!


Thats not tragic, it could have been alot worse :slight_smile: remember the smallest
things do counts !


I’m thankful for my family. My kids are the world to me and I love my husband dearly. I’m thankful for second chances and the fact that willpower can be renewed and stronger a second time around.


I’m thankful for 262 days, God and the power of the AA program for saving my life, my husbands life and our 16 year marriage. I’m thankful for My bio family and my extended family in AA as well as all my other brothers and sisters in recovery. Love and life have never been better and I will be forever greatful!


@MicheleH thats really amazing congratulation you inspire me . 262 days ! Keep it up

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Thank you! We can all do this together! Every day sober is a huge victory! :laughing::laughing::laughing:


IT sure is a damn good reason to focus on day by day :slight_smile:

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