What Are You (yes, YOU) Doing TODAY For Your RECOVERY?

2 way prayer
Done the main share at my AA meeting

Last week I got a new sponsor and I’m going to do the steps again


My schedule from Weds-Sun is a combo of gym and teaching english classes. Mon/Tues are my days off where i play video games and go walking somewhere in Guangzhou. Video games are my hobby and keep me off booze.

  • Catch up on daily readings
  • Meeting with sponsor this afternoon
  • Catch up on the threads here
  • Check in
  • Prayer and gratitude for my first work trip sober
  • Gonna enjoy a day off
  • Tidy up my apartment
  • Do some laundry
  • Walk (93,760 Jan. steps)
  • Step work
  • Meet with my sponsor and go over my Step work
  • Gonna see Howl’s Moving Castle on the IMAX screen at OMSI!

I’m about to make a successful crab landing on a Friday with Saturday off. The perfect storm for an alcoholic fisherman to go have a drink and tell lies at the bar all night with other alcoholic fishermen.

I am coming here before I offload to remind myself why its a bad idea.
If I have that first drink, I become a million times more likely to do drugs if they cross my path and they always cross my path when I have a drink with the boys after a fishing trip.
I haven’t blacked out and made a gigantic ass out of myself since the last time I let the temptation of that first drink trick me into thinking it was a good idea. Coincidence? highly unlikely!
I have come to far to fall backwards.
My old drinking buddies are the same miserable alcoholics they were when I drank with them. Because nothing changes, if nothing changes. I have changed everything!

Because I’m high on life and I dont need to fuck that up with booze and drugs.


✿ Prayer and Bible study
✿ Gratitude
✿ Checked in with others
✿ Did my morning freshening up
✿ Helped husband out with his needs
✿ Played with our cat and took care of his needs
✿ Worked out at home since we are snowed in
✿ About to cook up some breakfast tacos and watch movies
✿ Hit a later online meeting

Both of us have been feeling a bit burnt out, so calling it a low stakes day. Lots of relaxation and recharge :pray::sparkles:


@JasonFisher stay strong. :muscle: you can do it. Think about how wonderful you feel tomorrow and all the money you will save. Your buddies will be waking hangover and a lot of money drained out of their bank accounts.


It’s been 3 days since I posted here and have put any thought into what I’m actually doing to stay sober everyday. Yesterday I came really close to caving and grabbing that first drink. So I think this might be a good thing for me to practice everyday

Day 15

  • woke up sober & hangover free
  • Checked in
  • Worked my 10 hour shift and chose to be a positive influence on my team
  • Chose to use the same positive speak I use with those I lead with myself as I deal with my thoughts because Im worthy of the same patience, kindness and positivity
  • made a simple dinner to make more time for myself this evening
  • Soak in the tub with ALL the bubbles and pretty smelling stuff
  • Watch a movie with my kids
  • Go to bed sober

AA lunchtime meeting
Big book reading
Catch up here
Check in, gratitude and 100 day challenge
Knitting, films and cuddling up on the sofa in this freezing weather


Day 16

  • working my 7 hr shift
  • Staying positive with both my team and myself
  • Journaling ( been slacking the last couple days)
  • not drinking
  • Staying away from social media . I don’t need everyone’s weekend drinking/party pics making me feel like I’m missing out on something when I’m not
  • posting my nightly graditude post
  • Random stuff to keep my mind and hands busy to make sure I make it to bed sober to do it all again tomorrow :blush:
  • Practicing trying to practice mindfulness
  • Watched Wesley Huff dismantle Billy Carson in a debate
  • The Readings
  • BJJ class (Positional Control from Side Mount & Double Leg Takedown against an Aggressive Opponent)
  • Muay Thai class
  • Walkin’ (106,666 Jan. steps)
  • Writing
  • Meeting(s)
  • Goin’ to a Blazers game

Self Care. Sleep, rest and eat healthy.
Gratitude. feeling it and living it.
Editing, preparing camera crew, I’m on call. If I get the call, im ready, if I dont get the call, Im ready.
Checking in.
What drink is the worst one? The first one! :muscle:

  • work
  • online classes
  • laundry
  • yoga
  • cooking shrimp rotini for dinner
  • continuing my current reading (“Doing Battle”)
  • setting out my art supplies for tomorrow
  • shower and wash hair
  • tarot reading and journaling
  • Church
  • Reading
  • Meeting
  • Roast dinner
  • knitting
  • wash hair
  • prepare for work tomorrow
  • Prayer
  • Humility
  • Gratitude
  • Positive Mental Attitude
  • Readings
  • Continue reading the Basic Text with a client
  • Writing
  • Hopefully help people today
  • Walk (117,331 Jan. steps)
  • Meeting(s)
  • Step work

Day 17
I haven’t done much of anything at all. Went to bed at 11 last night and have been awake since the ungodly time of 2:35 this morning. So pretty much all I’ve done is had a lazy day because anything else seems impossible today. So for today:

  • I’ll go to bed early sober to have a good day tomorrow
  • physical: yoga, laundry and dishwashing so I have clean clothes and dishes for tomorrow
  • mental: reading “Doing Battle,” listening to some science podcasts I have queued up
  • emotional: painting
  • spiritual: tarot reading and meditation

I enjoyed an unexpected day off.
Video editing in between naps.
I wanted to get more work done around my place but my body wanted rest, so I listened to it.
I did some prep work on a painting I plan to work on tomorrow.
I’m feeling good about myself today and that’s good or my recovery.

  • Dealing with the Monday work jobs
  • Checkin, gratitude, 100 day challenge
  • Reading
  • Meeting
  • Making healthy food choices

I slept good. I feel good. My body appreciated the rest.
In my morning meditation, roots and causes kept coming up. As I go about my day and week, I will think about this and see where it goes.
I am mostly ready for tomorrows crab trip. We are over the three week mark since we started pulling gear. The opener is pretty much over. There is a ton of stress getting ready and participating in this fishery. The stress is over. That feels good. We decided to wait for the nicer day tomorrow.
My inner artist is in full bloom. I am feeding it and allowing it do do whatever it wants to do. That feels awesome! feeling awesome is good for my recovery.